Hilda Doolittle (September 10, 1886, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States September 27, 1961, Zürich, Switzerland), usually known only by her initials H.D., was an American poet, novelist and memoirist.


  • For one moment seek
    a lesser beauty
    and a lesser grace,
    but you will find
    no peace in the end
    save in her presence.
    • Amaranth.
  • Be indigestible, hard, ungiving.
    so that, living within,
    you beget, self-out-of-self,
    that pearl-of-great-price.
    • The Walls Do Not Fall.
  • The reason is:
    rats leave the sinking ship
    but we...
    didn't leave,
    so the ship
    didn't sink,
    and that's madness,
    Lear's song
    that's Touchstone's forest jest,
    that's swan of Avon logic.
    • May 1943.
  • We don't have to know,
    only to be:
    let go the jumble of worn words,
    reason and vanity.
    • Star by Day.

Quotes about H.D.

  • I knew all the poets-their poems-when I was quite young. (Who were your favorites?) G.P.: I loved Robinson Jeffers. I loved Auden, I loved H.D.
    • 1981 interview in Conversations with Grace Paley edited by Gerhard Bach & Blaine Hall (2013)
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