Saint Bernard of Clairvaux visits Guigo I at the Charterhouse

Guigo I also known as Guigues du Chastel, Guigo de Castro and Guigo of Saint-Romain, was a Carthusian monk and the 5th prior of Grande Chartreuse monastery in the 12th century.


The Meditations of Guigo I, Prior of the Charterhouse

as translated by A. Gordon Mursell (1995)
  • Without form or comeliness, and nailed to the crossthus is truth to be adored.
    • #5
  • Anyone who delights in praise destroys it.
    • #20
  • Prepare your mind to live in the company of evil people, with your mind unsullied; to do this is to live like an angel.
    • #22
  • The more noble and powerful a creature is, the more willingly it submits to the truth. Indeed it is powerful and noble precisely because of its submission.
    • #84
  • To want good things even for the wicked is a characteristic of saints.
    • #127
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