Title page (1592)

Gallathea or Galatea is an Elizabethan era stage play, a comedy by John Lyly.

Act I

Act II


Act IV

Is any cozened of a tear
Which as a pearl disdain does wear?
Here stands the thief; let her but come
Hither, and lay on him her doom.
  • CUPID, TELUSA, EUROTA, LARISSA, enter singing.
    O yes, O yes, if any maid,
    Whom lering Cupid has betraid
    To frownes of spite, to eyes of scorne,
    And would in madness now see torne
    The boy in pieces,—
    Let her come
    Hither, and lay on him her doome.
    O yes, O yes, has any lost
    A heart, which many a sigh hath cost;
    Is any cozened of a teare,
    Which (as a pearle) disdaine does weare?
    Here stands the thiefe, let her but come
    Hither, and lay on him her doome.
    Is any one undone by fire,
    And turn'd to ashes through desire?
    Did ever any lady weepe,
    Being cheated of her golden sleepe?
    Stolne by sicke thoughts!
    The pirat's found,
    And in her teares hee shal be drown'd.
    Reade his inditement, let him heare
    What hee's to trust to: boy give eare.
    • Scene ii, line 1

Act V

Encyclopedic article on Gallathea on Wikipedia

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