Flag of Flanders

Location of Flanders

Bruge Belfry
Flanders is the Dutch-speaking northern portion of Belgium and one of the communities, regions and language areas of Belgium. However, there are several overlapping definitions, including ones related to culture, language, politics, and history, and sometimes involving neighbouring countries. The demonym associated with Flanders is Fleming, while the corresponding adjective is Flemish. The official capital of Flanders is the City of Brussels, although the Brussels-Capital Region has an independent regional government. The government of Flanders only oversees the community aspects of Flanders life in Brussels, such as Flemish culture and education.
- For twenty-five years you Flemings have been misunderstood, oppressed and humiliated', For 25 years the Flemings were addressed in a foreign language, sentenced and tried, for 25 years they had to do with French money, a French court, a French army and a French administration. For twenty-five years you have been strangers in your own land.
- Our Heritage. Volume 23 (1980), The Belgian uprising by dr. Hans van der Hoeven The following spring, the desired harmony was seriously disrupted by a Manifesto of 't Nederlandsch Kunstverbond. The imminent homage of King Leopold I to commemorate his acceptance of the Belgian crown in July 1831 gave little cause for rejoicing to the authors of the Manifesto, Text printed by Willemsen, a.w., p. 103.
- In Flanders fields the poppies blow, Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow, In Flanders fields.
- Flanders is a land of cathedrals and belfries, not mosques and minarets. The Flemish identity is linked to democracy and Islam clashes with our idea of a democracy.
- The Flemish language is wonderfully sweet for those who do not violate it.
- You will wrestle the holy battle with us for the despised mother tongue, convinced that we, fighting for the mother tongue, also fight for our Religion, for our Fatherland, and for our own self-existence!
- With the tongue and the pen for the Catholic faith, for the Flemish language and for the Fatherland.
- Everything for Flanders, Flanders for Christ.
- The Flemish, well they are big children.
- Our Heritage. Volume 23 (1980), The Belgian uprising by dr. Hans van der Hoeven Dutch men of letters did attend the joint philological conferences, but refused to get involved further with the Flemish cause. This haughty-rejecting attitude is most clearly illustrated in Jacob van Lennep's whitewashing remark about his own contacts.
- There is a kingdom on earth where the Walloon willfully lord it over, and deal with 'the Flemish race' 'as if it had been conquered'.
- Our Heritage. Volume 23 (1980), The Belgian uprising by dr. Hans van der Hoeven 1830-1880. A Handful of Truths (Brussels, 1880), pp. 19-20.
See also
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