The economy of Pakistan is the 24th largest in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), and 42nd largest in terms of nominal gross domestic product.
- Muhammad b. Qasim, Mahmud of Ghazna, and Shihabuddin Ghori emerged as powerful symbols in Muslim politics in the context of the 1930s’ communal atmosphere in India. Interestingly they continue to be used as symbols of perfect Muslim heroes who have the ability to restore peace and order through their belligerence. [….] The consequences of hero worship have resulted in disaster for Pakistan. Following the footsteps of the conquerors, the rulers of Pakistan treated it as a conquered country and, therefore, legitimated plunder and loot of its wealth and resources. The only difference between them and the model conquerors is that in the past the wealth was taken away from India and deposited in the state treasuries of Damascus, Bhagdad, and Ghaznin. Now the Swiss banks or American and Western countries provide safe haven to the plundered wealth.
- Mubarak Ali, September 2000, How Many Qassims, Ghaznvis, and Ghoris Do We Need? quoted in Rosser, Yvette Claire (2003). Curriculum as Destiny: Forging National Identity in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. University of Texas at Austin.
- Everybody wants to see the economy improve, but more importantly, everybody wants to feel that improvement in their day-to-day lives.
- Dawn, The economy in focus (September 17, 2019)
- And then, almost at the moment of partition, some people saw that there was a certain amount of money to be made out of the new state as well. All the land in the west—ancient and not-so-ancient seats of Hinduism and Buddhism and Sikhism—was finally going to lose, or be cleansed of, its Hindu and Sikh populations. They would leave and go to India. As communities, the Hindus and Sikhs were rich; it was said that they owned 40 percent of the wealth of the region. When they left, many debts were wiped out; and all over Pakistan, in villages and towns large and small, an enormous amount of property needed new owners. Fortunes were made or added to overnight. So at the very beginning the new religious state was touched by the old idea of plunder. The idea of the state as God was modified.
- Naipaul, V.S. - Beyond Belief (Vintage, 1999)
- It didn’t have to pay its way. It became a satellite of the United States; its various régimes were shored up right through the cold war. It didn’t develop a modern economy; it didn’t feel the need. Instead, it began to export its people; it became in part a remittance economy.
- Naipaul, V.S. - Beyond Belief (Vintage, 1999)
- Thirty-two years after partition there came the war in Afghanistan against the Russian occupation. This could be entered into as a kind of religious war; and, again, the loot was prodigious. American arms and Afghan drugs followed the same route for eight years; hundreds of millions of dollars stuck to the hands of the faithful all along the way. The corruption was too gross; the state was finally undermined. Public faith and private plunder made a circle. There was no point now at which that circle could be broken into, and a fresh start made. After the cynicism and intellectual idleness of four decades, the state, which at the beginning had been to some like God, had become a criminal enterprise.
- Naipaul, V.S. - Beyond Belief (Vintage, 1999)
Also See
- Pakistan
- Imran Khan
- Asif Ali Zardari
- Shahid Afridi
- Akhtar Aly Kureshy
- Benazir Bhutto
- Nawaz Sharif
- Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
External links
- Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan
- Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan
- Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan
- World Bank Summary Trade Statistics Pakistan
- Tariffs applied by Pakistan as provided by ITC's Market Access Map, an online database of customs tariffs and market requirements
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