Hollanders are not a nation to rob another of its property, but desire to live in friendship with all people, and trade with them. ~ Jan van Riebeeck

Dutch people are a Germanic ethnic group native to the Netherlands. They share a common culture and speak the Dutch language. Dutch people and their descendants are found in migrant communities worldwide.


  • I am thinking about something a Dutch historian once told me about the cultural revolution that swept over the Netherlands in the 1960s. It had been such a settled, orderly, bourgeois nation. The Second World War and the Nazi occupation shattered something deep in the Dutch. After the war, they tried to rebuild what they had, but it was a feeble replica. When the winds of the counterculture began to blow, the establishment institutions collapsed, as if the revolution were inevitable.
  • Hollanders are not a nation to rob another of its property, but desire to live in friendship with all people, and trade with them.
    • Jan van Riebeeck, Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (c. January 1656 - December 1658), as quoted in Riebeeck's Journal (1897), by H. C. V. Leibrandt, Cape Town, p. 67
  • German Bismarck said that the solution of the Irish question lay in having the Irish to swap countries with the Dutch. He added that the Dutch would make Ireland the most beautiful island in the world while the Irish would neglect to mend the dykes left to them by the Dutch and therefore would be drowned.
    • John Green Sims, Whither, World? (Privately published, 1938) p. 78.
  • The Dutch example shows that when people overcome their fear, David can defeat Goliath.
    • Geert Wilders, Marked for Death: Islam's War Against the West and Me (May 2012), Ch. 13: "How to Turn the Tide", p. 208
  • When things go sideways in this unhappy world, nobody cries out in the dead of night: “For the love of God, somebody call the Dutch!”
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