Big is a 1988 film about a boy who wishes to be big at a magic wish machine and wakes up the next morning and finds himself in an adult body.
- Directed by Penny Marshall. Written by Gary Ross and Anne Spielberg.
Have you ever had a really big secret? (taglines)
- Computer game: You are standing in the cavern of the evil ice wizard. All around you are the carcasses of slain ice dwarves.
- Mrs. Baskin: Josh, take out the garbage!
- Josh: In a minute, Mom! [talking to himself] Melt the wizard. [typing] Melt wizard.
- Computer game: What do you want to melt him with?
- Josh: What do you think I want to use? Throw the thermal pod.
- Mrs. Baskin: JOSH!! The garbage is starting to stink up the house! Take it out, NOW!!
- Mr. Baskin: Josh, you heard your mother!
- [In the computer game, the enemy attacks Josh's avatar by encasing him in a big block of ice]
- Computer game: Your hesitancy has cost you dearly. The wizard, sensing your apprehension, fires a fatal bolt from his ice scepter. With luck, you will thaw in several million years.
- Josh: Great.
- Josh: [to himself, at a carnival where he finds an antiquated fortune-telling machine] Zoltar Speaks?
- [Josh inserts a quarter but the machine is off]
- Josh: [annoyed, hitting machine] Work, work, work, dammit!
- [Machine activates; Zoltar's eyes glow red]
- Machine: Aim ramp at Zoltar's mouth
- [As the Zoltar head opens and closes his mouth, Josh aims the coin ramp at Zoltar, who eats the quarter]
- Machine: Zoltar says make your wish.
- Josh: I wish I were big.
- [Machine produces a card]
- Card: Your wish is granted.
- [Josh then goes to find his family. As a cold wind blows, Josh sees the Zoltar machine was unplugged all along, giving him the creeps]
- [Josh has supposedly disappeared. The Baskin residence is covered by squad cars and neighbors have gathered to see the hoopla]
- Policeman: This is one of the oddest missing child cases. His mother is all hysterical; cannot get a word out of her. No sign of forced entry, no ransom note and the only fingerprints we found all belonged to the Baskin family.
- Kid #1: Bet he got sick of his parents and ran away. Wish I could do that.
- Kid #2: I will help you pack.
- Josh: I want a listing of all amusement arcades and carnivals in the tri-state area.
- Clerk: Consumer Affairs, down the hall.
- Bureaucrat: Fill this out in triplicate, five dollar processing charge.
- Billy: See, no problem.
- Bureaucrat: Standard six-week wait with backlog.
- Billy and Josh: [in unison] Six weeks??!
- Bureaucrat: Could take longer, but hey, you could get lucky.
- [Outside. Josh is sitting on steps staring into space]
- Josh: I am going to be 30 years old for the rest of my life.
- Billy: Come on Josh, it is only for six weeks. Besides, you may be even older that that! ha ha!
- [Josh is making application for a job]
- Josh: Social security number?
- [Billy fills it out]
- Josh: What was that?
- Billy: My locker combination.
- Receptionist: Mr. Baskin?
- Billy: Remember, Josh, eye contact!
- Receptionist: Your son will have to wait out here.
- Josh: Certainly. OK son, you heard the lady. Don't give anyone a hard time.
- Billy: Sure thing, "Dad".
- [Josh and Billy laugh at their private joke to the odd look of the receptionist]
- [MacMillian employee is looking over Josh's job application while pen-clicking]
- Office worker: It says you have four years of experience in computers, good. But you are missing a couple of numbers on the social security.
- Josh: Uh, um, twelve.
- Office worker: OK, 1-2. Office worker puts in numbers Where did you go to school?
- Josh: Hmmm, it was called George Washington.
- Office worker: Oh, G.W! My brother-in-law got his doctorate there. Did you pledge?
- Josh: Yes, every morning.
- Billy: So you got a job, where you play with all these toys.
- Josh: Yup!
- Billy: And they're gonna pay you for that?
- Josh: Yup!
- Billy: SUCKERS!
- Paul: Have you tried Mattel?
- Susan: Yes.
- Paul: Well, how about Coleco?
- Susan: Yes, as well as Fisher Price and Worlds of Wonder. None of these places reported ever having a Josh Baskin on their payroll.
- Paul: Well, he's got to come from somewhere. The guy just does not come into the executive offices out of the blue.
- Susan: Face it Paul, the man comes from data processing.
- Paul: It's a mystery.
- [Susan pours milk into her coffee. She has not seen the reverse side, which has a picture of the young Josh]
- Josh: I'm much better at video hockey.
- Paul: That's not a sport.
- Josh: It requires hand and eye coordination.
- Paul: It's not a sport if you don't sweat.
- Josh: What about golf? It's a sport and you don't sweat.
- Paul: It's not a sport if you let a machine do all the work.
- Josh: What about car racing?
- Paul: Shut up, Baskin.
- Scotty Brennen: See that girl over there in the red? Say "hi" to her and she's yours. She'll have her legs around you so tight you'll be begging for mercy.
- Josh: Well, I'll stay away from her, then.
- Susan: I'm not so sure we should do this.
- Josh: Do what?
- Susan: Well, I like you, and I want to spend the night with you.
- Josh: Do you mean sleep over?
- Susan: Well, yeah.
- Josh: Well, okay, but I get to be on top.
- Josh: Will you please leave? I got a deadline to meet. Gosh.
- Billy: Who the fuck do you think you are?
- Josh: HEY!
- Billy: You're Josh Baskin, remember? You broke your arm on my roof! You hid in MY basement when Robert Dyson was about to rip your head off!
- Josh: You don't get it, do you? This is important!
- Billy: I'm your best friend. What's more important than that, huh? [Turns to leave] And I'm three months older than you are, ASSHOLE!
- Mrs. Baskin: [on the phone] You have my son?
- Josh: Yes.
- Mrs. Baskin: Look, if you touch one hair on his head, I swear I will spend the rest of my life making sure you suffer.
- Josh: Wow, thanks.
- Paul: What is so special about Baskin?
- Susan: He's a grown up.
- Billy: There. Sea Point Park!
- Josh: Thanks.
- Billy: See you around.
- Later, Josh has run out of a business meeting
- Josh: Taxi! Sea Point Park, please.
- [Billy is on street]
- Billy: Sea Point Park? Way to go, Josh!
- [Susan tries to follow Josh but runs into Billy]
- Susan: You know Josh?
- Billy: Yes, I am his friend.
- Susan: I am...his girlfriend.
- [Billy looks amazed seeing a full-grown woman who has breasts is his best friend's girl]
- Billy: His girlfriend?? Whoa!
- Have you ever had a really big secret?
- Yesterday 12-year old Josh Baskin wanted money, cars, and girls. Today he got all those.
- You're only young once!
- You're Only Young Once But For Josh It Might Just Last A Lifetime.
- Yesterday Josh Wanted Everything In Life - Girls...Money...Cars... Today, All His Wildest Dreams Have Come True!
- Tom Hanks - Josh Baskin
- David Moscow - Young Josh
- Elizabeth Perkins - Susan Lawrence
- Robert Loggia - Mac MacMillan
- John Heard - Paul Davenport
- Jared Rushton - Billy Kopecki
- Jon Lovitz - Scotty Brennen
- Mercedes Ruehl - Mrs. Baskin
- Josh Clark - Mr. Baskin
- Debra Jo Rupp - Miss Patterson
External links
- Big quotes at the Internet Movie Database
- Big at Rotten Tomatoes
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