
The Treaty of Tordesillas.

A treaty is a written agreement between two or more parties that consists international law. The parties may be countries or other important groups. A treaty may be about many subjects.

Two countries might agree to stop a war, or declare war on a common enemy, or allow each other's citizens or merchandise to cross borders freely. Treaties are usually used to settle disputes. The European Union is set up by treaties between most of the European nations.

Famous treaties

  • 1494 - Treaty of Tordesillas
  • 1783 - Treaty of Versailles (1783)
  • 1814 - Congress of Vienna
  • 1840 - Treaty of Waitangi
  • 1919 - Treaty of Versailles
  • 1928 - Kellogg-Briand Pact
  • 1935 - Roerich Pact
  • 1938 - Munich Agreement
  • 1944 - Bretton Woods Agreement
  • 1945 - UN Charter
  • 1947 - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  • 1949 - North Atlantic Treaty
  • 1955 - Warsaw Pact
  • 1957 - Treaty of Rome
  • 1968 - Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
  • 1989 - Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • 1992 - Treaty of Maastricht

Other pages

  • peace treaty
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