
Tokyo Tower at night 2


The number of inhabitants is 13,154,010.


The names of the inhabitants are Japanese.

Nationality of the inhabitants


The Flag of Tokyo is...


The celebrations of Tokyo are: Golden Week, it is also called Ōgata renkyū; in the week there is a celebration.

-29th April: Shōwa Day

-3th May: Constitution Day

-4th May: Green Day

-5th May: Children's Day

The painting of Shōwa Day


The Tokyo tower (東京タワー Tōkyō Tawā)

The garden of Hama rikyū (浜離宮恩賜庭園 Hama rikyū onshi teien).

Kichijōji/temple on the pond.

Places to visit (for entertainment and fun)

The Places to visit for entertainment and fun are: Cat Cafe Mocha, Ikebukuro (Toshima).

-Tokyo DisneySea ...

Places to visit (for artistical, historical and scientific interests)

The Places to visit for artistical, historical and scientific interests are: -Samurai Museum

-Fukagawa Edo Museum

-Mori Art Museum


1_ Japanese people they never say "no 2_ They to draw cartoon MANGA style ...

Gastronomy = a particular dish

The particular dish is sushi. with: fish, meat, rice, seaweed, vegetable.

Quotation in literature or ....



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