
Brief description – Appearance (this should be replaced by two or three sentences)

Short description

The raccoon can reach a meter of height 40 cm due to the tail.

It lives in North America, from Canada to Central America.

It is established on the banks of watercourses.

The smallest specimens are found in South Florida, has a weight ranging from 1.8 to 2.7 kg.

All 2 sub-species have a dark coat and long fur.

Scientific denomination and classification

The raccoons' scientific classification is Taxonomy.

Its scientific denomination is Procyon lotor.


The raccoon is omnivorous.


It is established on the banks of the courses of the rivers.


The raccoon is related to the bears.

Raccoons have ancestors in common with the weasel.

Its presence in the fables and stories

The raccoon is present in the tales of the Indians of North America

Its presence in art (images)

(Other details)

The raccoon can reach a meter of height 40 cm due to the tail.

It is established on the banks.


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