Prophet Noah
Noah (Arabic: نوح; Hebrew: נוֹחַ or נֹחַ, Modern Hebrew: Nóaḥ, Tibetan: Nōªḥ; Nūḥ; Armenian: "Noe" or նօի) was a prophet, according to the Quran, a Muslim religious text. In the Qur'an, a complete surah has been revealed under the title of Noah, which deals with various issues concerning him and his contemporaries. The story of Noah and the Flood appears in the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible (also called the Torah and Old Testament) revered by the Abrahamic religions Judaism and Christianity.
Description of the Quran
According to Islam, the descendants of Adam began to worship one God according to his teachings. Among them were many pious people who were respected and respected by the people of his community. It is said that when these pious people died, their devotees turned their places of worship into places of worship and hung their images there. Their purpose was to remind them that they would worship God as they did. Then when some time passed, they made statues of these images. After some time, later generations began to worship these idols at the instigation of Satan. With the responsibility of guiding these misguided people, Allah sent Prophet Noah among them as a Prophet.
Noah is mentioned 43 times in the Qur'an. According to the Qur'an, Noah lived to be nine hundred and fifty years old and worked to guide people throughout his life. But his people rejected him. As a result, his nation was destroyed in a terrible flood.
The Qur'an says,
We sent Noah to his people, saying, "Warn your people before there comes to them a painful punishment." He said, "O my people, I am a clear warner to you, that you should worship God." Be careful of (your duty to) Him and obey me, He will forgive you your faults and give you respite till an appointed term; surely the appointment of Allah is not delayed, if you only knew. "[Qur'an 61: 1– 4]
Regarding the reaction of his people, the Qur'an says,
"And they say, 'Do not forsake your gods. Do not forsake Wad, Suwa', Yagush, Ya'q and Nasr." [Qur'an 61:23]
Their argument against Noah is stated in the Qur'an,
Then the leaders of his people who disbelieved said: We see you not but as a mortal like us, and we see that only our lowly ones follow you without reason, and we see no superiority of you over us; We think you are liars'. "[Qur'an 11:26]
It has also been said,
Then the chiefs of those who disbelieved from among his people said: This is only a mortal like yourselves; he desires to be exalted above you; and if Allah willed, He would have sent down angels. Man, in whom there is madness, so wait for him for a while. "[Qur'an 23: 24–25]
In response to their argument, the Qur'an states,
"And if We had made the Messenger an angel, We would have made him a male. So We would have left them in doubt as to what they doubt."
He (Noah) said: "O my people! Tell me, if I stand firm in the clear proofs sent by my Lord, and if He bestows favors on me from Himself, then it is kept secret from you. And when I dislike you, O my people, I do not ask you for any wealth in return, my reward is only with Allah, and I do not drive away those who believe, and surely they shall meet their Lord. But I see that you are an ignorant people. "[Qur'an 11: 26-29]
Even then, his people disbelieved and asked him to bring God's punishment and threatened him with death.
They said, "O Noah, you have argued with us and disputed with us. So bring us what you promise us, if you are one of the truthful." [Qur'an 11:32]
They said, "O Noah, if you do not desist, you will surely be among those who are stoned." [Qur'an 26: 116]
It has been said in various places in the Qur'an that after a long call to Tawheed, when no one else was likely to believe, the disbelievers were destroyed by the flood and Noah and the other believers survived by boarding the ark.
Then he called out to his Lord: Surely I am the loser, so take revenge. So We opened the gates of heaven with rain, and We caused springs to gush forth in the land, so that all the waters came together according to the ordinance. We made (Noah) abide in a vessel made of wood and nails, as a reward for that which was in my sight, and he was rejected. "[Qur'an 54: 10-14]
Bible description
According to the Bible, Noah was the tenth revered leader of the pre-Flood era. His father was a tribal chief. The mother's identity was not known. When Noah was five hundred years old, he had three sons named Sem, Hamm, and Japheth.
Description of the Book of Genesis
Chapters 8-9 of the Book of Genesis contain a detailed description of Noah's flood. It is said that God destroyed the earth through a great flood because of the great sins of the people of the earth. Noah rescued all the creatures of the earth, along with members of his family, in the ark he had built. God promises that he will not cause another flood.