
Red-and-green Macaw, Ara chloroptera 2, JBP, Nov 06

A parrot is a bird. It has a broad beak, multicolor wings and feathers and a long feathered tail.

Scientific denomination and classification

His name scientific is Psittaciformes and he is in the category of birds.


Parrots are very colorful animals. He weighs between 1.2 kg - 12kg. They have a robust body and short legs. The position of their body is, most of the time, erected. They have 4 fingers and are skilled animals in climbing.


The parrot eats seeds, fruit, nectar, pollen, buds, and sometimes arthropods and other animal prey.


It lives in the tropical and subtropical continents and in Australia,Oceania,Africa,South Asia,Southeast Asia,Central America and South America.


The parrot descends from the Mopsitta Tanta.

Its in art (images)

The author for painting is Gauguin.



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