It is a large city located in north of Sicily and has many historical monuments such as: il Palazzo dei Normanni with the Palatine Chapel,and many others...
Population = Number of the inhabitants
The inhabitants are 671 042 squared
Denonym = name of the inhabitants
The inhabitants are called palermitani


Flag of Palermo
The flag of Palermo is yellow and red The emblem instead has an eagle with a crown
July 15 is celebrated the feast of Santa Rosalia invecie invecie invecie
Popular monuments/places
Basilica of the Holy Trinity of the Chancellor,
Nickname (for example Paris is called "the City of Light")
five patrons of Palermo Santa Rosalia, Sant'Oliva, Santa Cristina, Santa Ninfa and Sant'Agata.
Gastronomy = a particular dish
They are the Sicilian cannoli
Quotation in literature or ....
External links
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