Norwegian language
Norwegian is an official language of Norway and the Nordic Council.
About 4.7 million (4,700,700) people speak Norwegian.
Writing system
Norwegian uses all 26 letters in English, along with the letters Æ, Ø, and Å. However, the letters c, q, w, x, and z are only used in loanwords.
There are two types of written Norwegian: Bokmål and Nynorsk. In 2005, about 86.3% of native Norwegians use Bokmål, 5.5% use both Bokmål and Nynorsk, and 7.5% only use Nynorsk. This means that about 91.8% of Norwegians use Bokmål, while only 15% use Nynorsk.
Norwegian comes from an ancient language called Old Norse. In 782, King Harald Fairhair united Norway. Christianity came to Norway around 1030. Christianity brought with it the Latin alphabet, which is the one used today. Before then, a runic alphabet was used. In the 800s, Old Norse began to separate into Eastern and Western dialects
. Eventually, Western Norse changed and changed until it became Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian around the year 1300. From 1350 to 1525, Old Norwegian changed more until it turned into Middle and then Modern Norwegian, the kind used today.
Authors and poets
Some famous Norwegian writers are Henrik Wergeland, Henrik Ibsen, Knut Hamsun, and Sigrid Unset. Hamsun and Unset even got Nobel Prizes for their works!
Basic words
Hilsener | Greetings |
Hallo | Hello |
Hei | Hi |
God dag | Good day |
God kveld | Good night |
God morgen | Good morning |
Hvordan har du det? | How are you? |
Ha det bra | Good-bye |
Vi snakkes i morgen | See you tomorrow |
Grunnfraser | Basic phrases |
Takk skal du ha | Thank you |
Ingen årsak | You are welcome |
Beklager | Sorry |
Unnskyld | Excuse me |
Snakker du engelsk/norsk? | Do you speak English/Norwegian? |
Hvor er toalettet? | Where is the bathroom? |
Jeg liker... | I like... |
Jeg liker ikke... | I don't like... |
Jeg heter... | My name is... |
Anthem of Norway
Norwegian | English |
Gud sign vår konge god!
Sign ham med kraft og mot sign hjem og slott! Lys for ham ved din Ånd, knytt med din sterke hånd hellige troskapsbånd om folk og drott! |
God bless our good king!
Bless him with strength and courage, bless home and palace! Guide him with Your Spirit, tie with Your strong Hand holy bands of allegiance around people and sovereign! |
Høyt sverger Norges mann
hver i sitt kall, sin stand, troskap sin drott. Trofast i liv og død, tapper i krig og nød, alltid vårt Norge lød Gud og sin drott. |
Loudly swear men of Norway
each in his calling, his station, loyalty to the sovereign. Loyal in life and death, courageous in war and need, always our Norway obeyed God and its sovereign. |