
Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. It's considered a global city by virtue of its considerable importance in sectors such as finance, commerce, publishing, art, international trade, education and tourism. It is an important economic center, with a growing financial sector and one of the most important ports on the Atlantic.

At the mouth of the river Tagus, for centuries the city has been the major point of communication of Western Europe, with the sea routes around the world.

Population = Number of the inhabitants

About 506,892 inhabitants

Name of the inhabitants


Nationality of the inhabitants



Flag Lisbona


In February Carnival begins, the streets of the city are filled with colorful parades, music and wild dances.

Belèm tower,

Sanctuary of Christ the king,

Esterla Basilicata

Nickname (for example Paris is called "the City of Light")


Sopa Hot green soup with potatoes and cabbage.

Rice with fish,

bacalhau cod bites.

Quotation in literature or ....

"The traveler is about to end his tour around Lisbon. He saw a lot, he saw almost nothing. He wanted to see well, maybe he saw badly: it's the constant risk of any journey. " (by josè saramago)



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