Order of Magnitude (Mass)

Metric System


1 septillionth of a gram. It’s super small in weight.Symbol is yg.


1 sextillionth of a gram. It’s super small in weight. Equals 1000 yg. Symbol is zg.


1 quintillion the of a gram. It’s super small in weight. Equals 1000 zg. Symbol is ag.


1 quadrillionth of the gram. It’s super small in weight. 1000 ag equal 1 fg. Symbol is fg.


1 trillionth of a gram. It’s super small in weight. 1000 pg equal 1 ng. Symbol is pg.


1 billionth of a gram. It’s super small in weight.1000 ng equals 1 Mcg/ug. Symbol is ng.


1 millionth of a gram. It’s super small in weight. 1000 ug equals 1 mg. Symbol is ug/Mcg.


1 thousandth of a gram. It’s super small in weight. 1000 mg equal 1 g. Symbol is mg.


1 gram is 1 thousandth of a kilogram. It’s super small in weight. Symbol is g.


100 grams is a Hectogram. It’s a little under 4 ounces. It’s mainly used in Italy for food. Symbol is hg.


1000 grams is a kilogram. It’s a little over 2 pounds. It’s mainly used in heavier objects. Symbol is Kg.


1000 kilograms is this Megagram. It’s a little over 1 short ton.It’s for really heavy objects. Symbol is Mg.It’s also called a Tonne or metric ton.Symbol is Mg or t.


1000 megagrams or tonnes.It’s 1 billion grams or 1 million kilograms. It’s for super heavy objects like bombs. It’s called a kilotonne.Symbol kt or Gg.


1000 gigagrams or kilotonnes is a megatonne or Teragram. It’s 1 trillion grams. 1 billion kilograms. It’s for stuff like bombs and other

heavys.Symbol is Tg or Mt


1000 Teragrams or megatonnes is a gigatonne or Petagram. It’s 1 quadrillion grams. It’s for big big measurements. Symbol is Pg or Gt.


1000 Petagram or gigatonnes. It’s called a Teratonne. It’s 1 quintillion grams. It’s for large measurements. Symbol is Eg or Tt.


1000 exagrams or teratonnes. It’s called a petatonne. It’s 1 sextillion grams. It’s for large measurements. Symbol is Zg or Pt.


5976 yottagrams or Exatonnes is the mass of the earth.

1000 Zettagrams or petatonnes. It’s called an exatonne. It’s 1 septillion grams. It’s for super large measurements. Symbol is Yg or Et.5976 yottagrams is the mass of the earth.


1000 yottagrams or exatonnes. It’s called a zettatonne. It’s 1 octillion grams. The earth is 5.976 zettatonnes.Symbol is Zt.


1.899 yottatonnes is the mass of Jupiter

1000 zettatonnes. It’s 1 nonillion grams. The Jupiter is 1.899 yottatonnes.Symbol is Yt.

Imperial System for mass


The ounce is 1/16 of a pound. It’s around 28 grams. The ounce for mass is not the same as the ounce for volume.


The Pound is 16 ounces. It’s around 453 grams (4.53 Hectograms). Around 2 pounds and some ounces is a kilogram.

Ton (US)

Not to be confused with the Megagram or Tonne. The ton is 2000 pounds. It’s used only for big things.

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