
The Flag of Israel
The Current Flag of Israel

Israel (in Hebrew ישראל) is a country in Asia in the Middle East. The language of Israel is the Hebrew Language

Israel was created in 1948. The population of Israel is 8,323,248 (05/02/2017).

Naftali Bennett-Prime Minister of Israel

The prime minister of Israel is Naftali Bennett.

The president of Israel is Isaac Herzog.

Isaac Herzog, President of the State of Israel

Israel Population

Statistics Table

1948 2017 2050 ABOUT
1,000,000 8,000,000 12,000,000 POPULATION
118 98 88 GLOBAL RANK
50,000 10,000 10,000 MIGRANTS

The current Israel population Is 8,301,713 (05/02/2017)

(1 Population Per 1-2 Minute)

Statistics Timeline

1948 - 1,200,000

1960 - 2,000,000

1980 - 3,000,000

2000 - 6,000,000

2017 - 8,000,000

The population in Israel from statistics add 1,000,000 people per 6-12 years.

Credit To WORLDOMTERS For Information About Population

Israel Cities

Tel Aviv - תל אביב

Haifa - חיפה

Azor - אזור

Holon - חולון

Beit Dagan - בית דגן

Jerusalem - ירושליים Capital City

Zafriya - צפריה

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