
Center of Edinburgh

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland. It is the second most populated city of Scotland, behind Glasgow. The city is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Population = Number of the inhabitants

In Edinburgh there are about 495.360 inhabitants

Denonym = name of the inhabitants

The inhabitants of Edinburgh is Scottish

Nationality of the inhabitants

The nationality of the inhabitants is Scotland


The Flag is white and blue


The Celebrations are Festival del cinema di Edinburgh, cinema Filhouse, Edimburgh International Television Festival, Edinburgh Mela, Imaginate Festival, Capodanno scozzese


The Popular monuments are: Monumento Scott, Nelson Monument, Burns Monuments

Nickname (for example Paris is called "the City of Light")

The Nickname of Edimburgh is Modern Athens


The particularity are the first city in the world to adopt the Fire Brigade group

Places to visit (for entertainment and fun)

Places to visit (for artistical, historical and scientific interests)

, a Neolithic village located on the island of Orkney

Gastronomy = a particular dish

The most famous dishes of Scottish cuisine

Quotation in literature or ....



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