LGBT (or, less commonly, GLBT) is an acronym for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender".

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It is used to describe all the issues related to the included communities – plus a few others thrown in for good measure, as the initialism LGBT is intended to emphasize a diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures and is sometimes used to refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual or non-cisgender instead of exclusively to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.[1][2]

Expanding the acronym...

Back in the day, only LGB, or GLB were ever used. Following some confusion over issues of sexuality and gender issues (no, they're not the same) and the fact that the term "gay community" did not accurately represent those to whom it referred,[1] it became fashionable to add transgender to the mix during the '80s, forming the LGBT that is in common use today.[3] With issues regarding inclusion and accusations of pigeon-holing, the acronym seems to be slowly falling out of favour. For example, many researchers prefer to use the term "non-heterosexual" when discussing LGB families for a variety of reasons.[4]

"Intersex" being a medical term used to describe those born with intermediate or atypical combinations of physical sexual characteristics fails to be properly described by "transgender" and as a result of feeling left out, "intersex" has found its way into vaguely common use, forming LGBTI, while others insist that they are not a part of the LGBT community and would rather that they not be included as part of the term.[5][6]

Alternatively, the acronym is sometimes expanded to LGBTQ, with the Q standing for either "queer" or "questioning", depending on who you ask.

QUILTBAG stands for "Queer, Unidentified, Intersex, Lesbian, Transgender, Bisexual, Asexual, and Gay".

For those hardcore individuals interested in a challenge, try to work out what LGBTTI2QQAP stands for.

To summarize:[note 1]

  • A = asexual, ally
  • B = bisexual
  • C = curious
  • G = gay, genderqueer
  • H = HIV-positive, HIV-affected, hijira
  • I = intersex
  • L = lesbian
  • O = other
  • P = polyamorous, pansexual
  • Q = queer, questioning
  • SA = straight ally
  • T = trans, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit
  • TS = two-spirit
  • U = unsure, unidentified
  • 2 = two-spirit
  • + = other

An occasionally used alternative initialism is GSM or GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and/or Romantic Minorities), which is short yet includes every possible marginalized sexual orientation and gender identity, and the latter includes various different romantic orientations as well. Some activists object to the term, noting the use of the term "sexual minority" in some quarters to attempt to include pedophilia as just another sexuality,[7] as the term "sexual minority" was coined in the late 1960s under the influence of Lars Ullerstam's book "The Erotic Minorities: A Swedish View", which came strongly in favor of tolerance to paedophilia and "sex criminals".[8] Despite this, the term "sexual minority" usually refers to those who are widely accepted as part of the LGBT acronym, in particular gay people.[9]

Some people in the communities are giving up on the acronym and using the phrase "alphabet soup" instead.[10][11] Others are using LGBT+, with the plus sign representing all other sexual and gender minorities.

Another alternative to the alphabet soup is MOGAI, standing for Marginalized Orientations, Genders, Alignments, and Identities.

Good eating

Incidentally, an LGBT sandwich is a lettuce, guacamole, bacon, and tomato sandwich. And a good friend.

See also


  1. Most from LGBTFile:Wikipedia's W.svg or cited elsewhere in this article


  1. Swain, Keith W. (21 June 2007). "Gay Pride Needs New Direction". Denver Post. Retrieved 2008-07-05.
  2. Shankle, Michael D. (2006). The Handbook of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Public Health: A Practitioner's Guide To Service. Haworth Press. ISBN 1-56023-496-2.
  3. Acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary, Volume 1, Part 1. Gale Research Co., 1985, ISBN 978-0-8103-0683-7. Factsheet five, Issues 32–36, Mike Gunderloy, 1989
  4. Klesse, Christian (2007). The Spectre of Promiscuity: Gay Male and Bisexual Non-Monogamies and Polyamories. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. ISBN 0-7546-4906-7.
  5. Aragon, Angela Pattatuchi (2006). Challenging Lesbian Norms: Intersex, Transgender, Intersectional, and Queer Perspectives. Haworth Press. ISBN 1-56023-645-0. Retrieved 2008-07-05.
  6. Makadon, Harvey J.; Mayer, Kenneth H.; Potter, Jennifer; Goldhammer, Hilary (2008). The Fenway Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health. ACP Press. ISBN 1-930513-95-X.
  7. Altair, Octaevius (2011). The Violators: No Human Rights for You (Canada). p. 11. ISBN 9781257378012. Retrieved 12 March 2015. "The rights of youth must be protected as well as the rights of Atheists and Sexual minorities. As a Homophile who is also a HebephileFile:Wikipedia's W.svg. I engage is [sic] recreational sex exclusively with teenagers."
  8. Lattimer, Julia. "GSM acronym better than LGBT alphabet soup". Collegiate Times. Retrieved 11 June 2015.
  9. Sullivan, Michael K. (2003). Sexual Minorities: Discrimination, Challenges, and Development in America (illustrated ed.). Haworth Social Work Practice Press. ISBN 9780789002358. Retrieved 12 March 2015. "SUMMARY. This chapter explores the cultural, religious, and sociological underpinnings of homophobia and intolerance toward homosexuals."
  10. "LGBTQQIAAP - "Alphabet Soup 101" -". Retrieved 6 October 2014.
  11. Multiple. "Lgbt Alphabet Soup" (in American Standard English). The Huffington Post. Retrieved 20 December 2014.
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