Glenn Beck
"Dr."[1][2] Glenn Beck (1964–) is an American right-wing "commentator", former rodeo clown, former Fox News clown, and high school graduate who got lucky. He presented his eponymous Glenn Beck Show on the Fox News cartoon channel until it was dropped in 2011 due to low ratings.
Parroting squawkbox Pundits |
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And a dirty dozen more |
v - t - e |
“”Only in America can you make that much money crying… Glenn Beck is not aligned with any party. He is aligned with cynicism and there has always been a market for cynics. |
—Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, 01 October 2009 |
He currently has his own radio show and originally appeared on CNN's Headline News until viewers couldn't take it anymore (rumors that they were also mad as hell are slightly exaggerated). Beck now owns the subscription-based internet network The Blaze (formerly GBTV), which his Fox show was transferred to in September 2011. The network somehow made it onto Dish Network; however, it has not been picked up by the many cable providers Beck thought it would have, despite his aggressive campaign to get it on every cable plan in America.
Anyone who is called "Satan's mentally challenged younger brother" by Stephen King
Selected opinions and views
Like others on Fox and Clear Channel, Beck was, and remained until 2014, a strong supporter of the war in Iraq and presented "evidence" that we'd win any day now.[4] (In 2014, he finally admitted he was wrong.[5]) Unlike other conservative commentators, such as Neal Boortz, Beck bigged up deficit hysteria, one of the many times that Beck promoted Tea Party talking points. However, he has occasionally said sensible things, being no fan of the idea of withholding Miranda rights from the Times Square bomber.[6]

Beck, a former alcoholic and current Mormon, admits that he used to be imperfect until he discovered that all the world's woes are the fault of liberals, leftists, centrists, progressives, fake Republicans, or real Democrats. He is now perfect and able to bestow his wisdom upon us. His fans have a habit of asking for others to prove when he has lied and then ignoring the resulting proof. Also an annoying overuse of the word "progressive." He has also apparently gained the ability to elect himself Pope on a temporary basis; witness his attack on Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi for supposedly being less Catholic than Beck is willing to find acceptable.[7]
Glenn Beck's favorite book is The Five Thousand Year Leap[8][9] by fellow Mormon author W. Cleon Skousen, who is also the author of a series of tomes purporting to be a comprehensive history of the world through the lens of Mormon theology: The First Two Thousand Years, The Third Thousand Years, and The Fourth Thousand Years (Essentially a Mormon version of Young Earth creationism). The theme of The Five Thousand Year Leap appears to be that more human progress took place at once because of the Founding Fathers of the United States and their God-fearing worldview (never mind the deism) than in the previous 4000 years. He also put out several books of his own, trying to style himself as a modern Thomas Paine (the insane version) in Common Sense, providing a handy guide for his conversational partners (Arguing for with Idiots), and addressing his audience's problems with the written word (An Inconvenient Book, The Christmas Sweater: A Picture Book). Raking in yet more cash, he has frequently taken his one-man freak show on tours of the countryside and made a high-profile appearance at CPAC in 2010, showing off his unique take at a facepalm.[10]
Glenn Beck also started stirring up controversy when he stated that John McCain would do more harm to the country than Barack Obama, going so far as to say he would have rather voted for Hillary Clinton.[11] This isn't the first time that he endorsed Clinton, although his support for Clinton in 2016 was more motivated by hatred of her opponent Donald Trump (see below).
He's also gone on record as believing (in the context of the debate on US intervention in Syria) that neocons are liberals, since they're "for big, oppressive government that wants to change the whole world through military action".[12]
Global warming — due to Beck's hot air, not CO2
It is part of the Beck credo that global warming is a conspiracy[13] and a figment of Al Gore's imagination and liberals' greedy desire to step in and save the world from Bushism. Beck dedicated an hour show to 'proving' global warming does not exist.[14] He also insists that evolution is another evil plot promulgated upon the world by scientists. One of his favorite movies is Ben Stein's Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, which he has promoted in the past.[14] Fortunately, he has stopped short of complete wingnuttery by devoting part of one episode of his show to debunking the FEMA concentration camp conspiracy theory.[15]
Scary shit
- Glenn Beck surrounds you, with the help of Chuck Norris. Nobody is quite sure exactly what We Surround Them means, but it sounds creepily like the spiritual warfare crowd's use of the phrase, "stand in the gap."
- Tears flow easily from Beck's face, and he is known for his emotional breakdowns, more-often-than-not live on air.[16] There are several explanations for this:
- He genuinely does love his country and fears for it in the most passionate of ways
- He is cynically exploiting the people who love the Republican version of America more than their own children.
- He is copying a televangelist shtick.
- He is emotionally unstable.
- His brains have liquefied and are leaking out his eye sockets.
Place your bets now, please. A video from a recent photoshoot has since demonstrated that Beck is not above Vicks VapoRub® applied under his eyes to induce his waterworks,[17] although this is probably just faking things for a publicity shoot (and faking things like that isn't unique to Beck by a long shot), rather than how his infamous crying-on-air routine happened.
- Beck also has a bizarrely short temper. While discussing healthcare on his radio show with a caller, he lost it completely and had what can be best described as a hissy fit, ending the conversation by repeatedly shrieking, "Get off my phone!" (see exact quote below). Beck and the other presenter then blamed the caller for being in the wrong. Nice.[18]
- Glenn Beck appears, for all intents and purposes, to be growing increasingly delusional as his viewer base increases. In one of his latest clips he identifies several pieces of "communist art" hiding in plain sight in NYC[19] (although, this being New York, he very well could have spotted actual communist art that he thinks is cunningly hidden).
- Days after a rival DJ's wife had a miscarriage, Beck phoned her and mocked her miscarriage on air:
- "We hear you had a miscarriage," remembers Brad Miller, a former Y95 DJ and Clear Channel programmer. "When Terry said, 'Yes,' Beck proceeded to joke about how Bruce [Kelly] apparently can't do anything right — about he can't even have a baby."[20]
- Beck has also mocked Obama's 11-year-old daughter,[21] despite two days earlier saying:
- "You don't go after Chelsea Clinton. You don't talk about Bush kids… You leave the families alone. We haven't done anything but protect the families… Leave the families alone."[22] To be fair, he did apologize later but his apology consisted of saying he had lowered himself to the level of liberals.
- Beck has recently taken a controversial approach to dealing with the United States' history of racial relations. On a recent episode of his show he argued that black activists such as Frederick Douglass were "Founding Fathers" who did not see the U.S. as a racist country.[23]. Beck followed that with an announcement that he will give a speech at the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.[24]
- Beck, who did not even go to college for more than one semester, has been given an honorary doctorate.[1] One barely has to guess from which university.
- Beck compared murdered and surviving members of the Norwegian Workers' Youth League, massacred by a right-wing terrorist at their summer camp in 2011, to the Hitler Youth with this statement: "There was a shooting at a political camp which sounds a little like, you know, the Hitler Youth or whatever, you know what I mean. Who does a camp for kids that's all about politics? Disturbing." In Norway, leading senior political commentator Frank Aarebrot labeled Beck "a vile propagandist" and a "fascist."
- Beck compared Barack Obama to Newt Gingrich, saying Gingrich was a progressive. He said a person who opposes Obama and would support Gingrich is racist.[25]
- Beck ratcheted up the level of crazy on the subject of Obama's re-election when he asserted that the US deserved to be destroyed since such a move would "drive the righteous from among them" and all the other usual End Times crap you'd expect.[26]
- In contrast, Beck is also convinced that Mitt Romney is the modern-day equivalent of George Washington[27] and Abraham Lincoln.[28] No shit.
- Beck has apparently decided (in incredibly tardy fashion) that Glee, of all things, constitutes a threat to teenage America's precious bodily fluids and that the apparent cure is some strange conservative alternative to the show that will hopefully remain safely on the drawing board and not in someone's actual production studio.[29]
- Beck also had no real problem with trying to smear George Soros with a three-part special on his old Fox News show with what might be termed some very suspect analogies.[30][31][32][33] So suspect, in fact, that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued a complaint about it.[34] During the third part, Beck claimed that Soros had confiscated property of Jews,[33] when in fact Soros assisted his guardian in taking inventory of property that was already confiscated on one occasion.[35] To falsely claim that one collaborated with Nazis, while a minor and while in hiding from the Nazis as Soros was, is a form of blaming the victim and of Holocaust denial.[36]
- Speaking of Judaism, Beck had a problem with the Reform variety, comparing it to "Radicalized Islam" for some odd reason. Needless to say, the ADL took issue with him on that as well.[37]
- Beck also apparently knows where to draw the line on conspiracy theories, unlike Alex Jones — namely, right over Jones' face. He simultaneously threw Jones under the bus on a gun grabber conspiracy theory and then turned right around and came up with one himself.[38]
- He's under the impression that an investigation by the Office of Congressional Ethics of his fellow space cadet Michele Bachmann for campaign fund shenanigans is actually a plot by the Muslim Brotherhood, because all of that previous hue and cry she made about Huma Abedin had so much of a basis in reality.[39]
- Beck was apparently so incensed that the jury in the Kermit Gosnell trial[40] was actually deliberating instead of instantly finding him guilty that he asserted that God "has got to destroy us; we are becoming an affront to him in every step of the way. We are denying his existence. We are denying his power. We are slapping him in the face. We are killing his children", etc.[41] This was followed by a predictable crying jag in which Beck begged God for forgiveness.
- He compared a peaceful demonstration outside Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach's house by immigration reform advocates to actions by the Ku Klux Klan during the civil rights era,[42] a view that Kobach was all too eager to lend support to on a later show.[43]
- He
Godwinnedvoiced the opinion that the Obama administration was planting the seeds of a race war, largely based on sources he seemed more than a bit vague about: doctors who were "some of the leading experts from around the world on race relations and racists", although he also stated that he didn't know "which doctors they were" even though he still felt quite comfortable citing them as unimpeachable sources.[44][45]
“”Glenn, the Nazis are everywhere. And you're not safe! So here's what you do and take it from me, my people have been through this before: First, you've gotta find an attic. Then hide there for the next three years, and whatever you do, don't make a sound. We'll let you know when it's safe to come out. |
—Lewis Black[46] |

Big Brother is watching Beck
In most of Glenn Beck's time on Fox News he has frequently shown himself as being paranoid. Examples of this include: claiming that the Obama administration was "building something" using taxpayer money (though Beck did not elaborate on what they were building), the New World Order[47] and against the Obama administration for their "socialism," quoting George Orwell many times to show how they were turning into Big Brother. Hint: Orwell supported socialism, so the irony is very delicious here.
Your churches are run by Nazis and Communists!
Beck's paranoia led to him commanding his listeners to leave their churches if they heard or saw any mention of social justice. What most people saw as attempts to help the less fortunate members of society, Beck saw as an attempt to introduce Nazism and Communism, despite the fact that Nazis and communists hate each other quite literally like white supremacists and black supremacists do. Unsurprisingly, some Christians were rather miffed by Beck's edict.[48]
10% of all Muslims are terrorists
Glenn Beck has expressed multiple times that he believes that 10% of all Muslims are terrorists. In 2003, he expressed his figure in his book "The Real America". He re-presented it on December 6, 2010, when he stated on his radio talk show, "What is the number of Islamic terrorists? One percent? I think it's closer to ten percent but the rest of the PC world will tell you, 'oh no, it's minuscule.'"[49] If what he states were to be true, then there would be roughly 141,000,000 to 157,000,000 Muslim terrorists worldwide.
Boston Marathon bombing conspiracy mongering
Never one to shy away from making a complete ass of himself in the wake of a real tragedy, Beck insinuated that there was a conspiracy to deport a Saudi national right after the Boston Marathon bombing of April 2013 due to his connection to the incident.[50] This theory seems to have originated in his own camp and nowhere else. He later posted one of his occasion cryptic s00per sekr1t messages to the government that threatened to reveal all sorts of fun stuff about Anonymous Saudi #1 and which also included all of the usual Beck conspiracy tics.[51]
Since the Federal government has seen fit to ignore Beck's watery proof for his "deported Saudi national" conspiracy (or just decided that he wasn't even close to being relevant, which is far more likely), he has since stated through his website The Blaze that Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi is a person of interest in the case[52] and an active al-Qaeda operative despite mainstream media reports to the contrary.[53] Apparently, this is all being done to benefit the Saudis, although the usual veiled references to Satan and demons were also made for the usual tinfoil hat reasons.[54] Beck, of course, took the usual conspiracy theorist's way out of this mess and put the onus on the Feds to prove him wrong and not the other way around.[55] Further on, Beck continued to beat the drum loudly on this particular conspiracy theory, even going so far as to claim that he had access to secret information which had been scrubbed clean of certain information on Alharbi.[56] The problem with this is how Beck actually came by this information, since merely having access to it (much less broadcasting it on a talk show) would put him in jeopardy of violating several national security laws including the Patriot Act as he is anything but an intelligence agent or law enforcement officer. He also went on to challenge real journalists to pick up the story, but that trying to discredit him was strictly a no-no since that would only lead to their discrediting themselves.ego, much?
In order to confirm his theory about the deportation order, he interviewed retired Immigration and Naturalization Service Special Agent Bob Trent. As you might guess, the end result wasn't much of a confirmation at all since Trent stated that the 2123B designation is something that is placed on an individual trying to enter the United States, not leave it.[57] [58]
Later on, Beck attempted to have it both ways with a confused screed chock full of cognitive dissonance where he both supported and denounced conspiracy theories concerning the Marathon bombings.[59] This could be seen as Beck trying to come off as being more truthful on the issue than competing conspiracy peddlers like Alex Jones; on the other hand, it could be seen as Beck being typically incoherent.
So far, Beck has succeeded in finding a patsy supporter in Pamela Geller. Not the most ringing of endorsements, to say the least.
The Saudi conspiracy theory might be a bridge too far for Beck, who is being sued for defamation by the Saudi national. The court was not impressed with Beck's argument that the Saudi national was a public figure because of Beck's own reporting.[60]
An odd assumption about a bad movie
Beck made the claim (related to the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi) that Obama has personal material on his Blackberry that could prove that he was the source of the movie Innocence of Muslims.[61] As you might guess, the charge seems a little redolent of bullshit vague.
All your military interventions are belong to US
In August 2013 he opined that possible military intervention in Syria is — you guessed it — a plot by progressives to weaken the US and bring about One world government. How? By pushing us toward a military confrontation with Russia and China, which would allow the UN to step in, avert world war and bring about Yet Another New World Order instead. [62]
Insuring Americans threatens our freedom
In April of 2014, Salon reported that Beck described President Barack Obama as a "sociopathic dictator who is trying to keep Glenn Beck from pursuing happiness."[63] Apparently the press is entirely in on some conspiracy theory to unskew enrollment numbers. Beck finished with this gem: "I'm not going to waste. My. Life. I'm going to do what I was born to do! All men were created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! I have a right to pursue my happiness! I have a right to do what I was born to do, not what they tell me what to do. That's what that phrase means!"
On the other hand, Beck did compliment the president's fashion sense and costuming skills, saying that "nobody else could design a uniform like he could".
ISIS fearmongering
Beck has also spent much of his time scaring his viewers about ISIS, saying that they have a camp on Mexico's border with Texas and implying they were planning an invasion and terrorist attacks inside the United States. He also had to throw in a quip about the gub'mint using this as an excuse to take away our freedoms. [64] He also suggested that Americans "should prepare for all-out war", saying that ISIS was going to be "in multiple cities". Put bluntly, this is just Beck trying to get his listeners to buy a bunch of rifles and ammunition.[65] In reality, there is no ISIS camp on the Mexican border, and they don't want to launch a ground invasion of the continental United States, though they have called for lone-wolf attacks, which inspired the Garland shooters. They are primarily concerned about securing their (rapidly-shrinking) territory in Iraq and Syria, rather than launching infiltration attacks on the US of the kind conducted from a base on the Mexican border, knowing that doing so would increase the likelihood of a US ground invasion of their territory and their subsequent pwnage by US soldiers. In any case, Beck is wrong about ISIS actively plotting to conquer America. What conspiracy theory is next, Boko Haram invading Connecticut?[66]
Gold! Gold! Gold! Gold!

Goldline International, a company that sells investment gold at substantially higher than market value, is a major advertiser on Beck's radio and cable television programs. During his program, Beck also regularly encourages his listeners and viewers to buy gold. And while he doesn't advertise for Goldline directly during his scare tactic rants about how the economy is going to collapse, and gold will be the only thing with value after the liberal apocalypse, we are fortunate enough that once we're scared shitless, and desperate to buy gold, we get a convenient commercial by Glenn Beck himself, telling us that Goldline conveniently has gold for sale.[67] He walks a thin tightrope of "avoiding" a conflict of interest. In 2011 Goldline was indicted for theft by false pretenses, false advertising and conspiracy.[68]
Glenn Beck's radio show is still supported by GoldLine and he does a spoken advertisement for them every day. Complete with the usual fearmongering about central banks and printing presses.
More consumerism
In 2012 Glenn Beck launched his own line of patriotic denim jeans, retailing at $129.99.[69] This came a year after he announced a personal boycott of Levi's for devaluing the "quintessential American piece of clothing" in a commercial showing sympathetic footage of protestors clashing with police.[70]
Glenn Beck quotes
- I stopped wearing my What-Would-Jesus-Do band, and I've lost all sense of right and wrong now. I used to be able to say, "Yeah, I'd kill Michael Moore," and then I'd see the little band: What Would Jesus Do? And then I'd realize, "Oh, you wouldn't kill Michael Moore. Or at least you wouldn't choke him to death." And you know, well, I'm not sure.
- May 17, 2005, The Glenn Beck Program, Premiere Radio Networks.
- Finally — well, he wasn't the president. He was the chancellor, Hitler, decided that it was the only empathetic thing to do, is to put this child down and put him out of his suffering. It was the beginning of the T4, which led to genocide everywhere. It was the beginning of it. Empathy leads you to very bad decisions many times.
- May 26, 2009, on President Obama's statement that he would consider empathy in choosing a Supreme Court nominee.
- The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be President would be 'What the hell do you mean we're out of missiles?
- The Glenn Beck Program, Premiere Radio Networks, 12 January 2009
- Isn't Expelled like [sic] the greatest movie ever? The New York Times hates it, so it must be good.
- Glenn Beck, Glenn Beck Show[71]
- I'm not a journalist.
- New York Times, 16 June 2009
- I'm just a rodeo clown.
- New York Times, 09 March 2009
- If you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot.
- New York Times, 29 March 2009
- I either believe what I say, or I'm a fraud.
- Glenn Beck Show (undated)
- I'm turning into a frickin' televangelist.
- Glenn Beck Show, 13 Mar 2009
- Get off my phone! GET OFF MY PHONE, YOU LITTLE PINHEAD! I don't care - YOU PEOPLE don't CARE about the trillions - GET OFF MY PHONE!!!!
- Glenn Beck Radio Show, 15 July 2009, trying desperately to construct an anti-healthcare argument against a caller named Kathy
- America, I'm gonna' shoot straight with you. I think I've wasted your time.
- Glenn Beck signing off, 9 March 2010
- I'm not seditious; I just love my country so much, I have to hate it.
- Glenn Beck on The O’Reilly Factor, 22 April 2010[72]
- The only Katrina victims we're seeing on television are the scumbags.
- The Glenn Beck Program, Premiere Radio Networks [73]
- This is a book — and I'm a getting a ton of these — from people who were doing what we're doing now.
- Glenn Beck, praising a pro-Hitler, anti-Semitic author and invoking Godwin's Law on himself for a change, 4 June 2010
- If there is one guy out there that is the next George Washington, the only guy that I could think of is Rick Santorum. I would ask that you would take a look at him.
- The Glenn Beck Program, 16 November 2011[74]
"First they came for…"
Beck is fond of comparing his political opponents to the Nazis, which at least means he still acknowledges that Nazis are evil. Sometimes, when Beck's persecution complex kicks into overdrive, he will recite one of his various renditions of "First they came for the Jews. Then they came for me."[75] But remember, when Beck states "they came for me," he is not referring to German theologian Martin Niemöller, author of the source poem that he first recited as early as 1946.[76] Instead, Beck is clearly referring to the one person he considers the most important person in the world — himself.
Of course, Beck would never — could never — accurately recite the many early versions of the poem because of all the other victims of the Nazis that Niemöller referenced. And — in what would no doubt be an earth-shattering surprise to Beck's followers — in Niemöller's many versions of this poem, the Nazis came first for the communists. Here is one version of the poem which lists as many of the Nazis' targeted groups for as possible, all listed in the order that Niemöller typically used:
They came first for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.
Lacking all sense of irony and a well-functioning brain, Beck invoked the poem moments after attacking unionists and (alleged) communists![77]
Not understanding the Constitution
Recently Mr. Beck decided to go and read his beloved Constitution, and found this line in Section 1 Article 9:
"The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person."
He believed it referred to a tax on immigration, and said so on his show. The quoted article from the Constitution is in fact referring to the transportation of slaves into the states — as anyone with the reading comprehension skills of a goat would know.
He went on to say the Constitution is not the end-all and be-all of America:
"The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
Whatever that means.
Tax problems
Beck has ridiculed the Obama administration on several occasions for its cabinet's share of issues with proper tax filings.
“”Their tax issues are just one indicator of "a culture of corruption among some of the left," Beck declared just last month in a segment on his hugely popular Fox News television show, in which he branded Geithner, Killefer, Solis and a handful of other Obama nominees "tax cheats," whom he wouldn't trust "with my children, let alone my children's future." . . . Mocking the excuses offered by the nominees, Beck sarcastically intoned: "Oh, the tax thing, it was an accident. It was my husband's fault. I didn't do it, he did it. I didn't mean to do it. I was just working hard for the people."[78] |
Glenn Beck and his wife run Mercury Radio Arts, to help promote and control his rights in radio, publication and television. Since 2007, Mercury has fallen behind on its business taxes in New York, and was cited for filing errors in Texas and with New York worker's compensation.
“”"Mercury immediately resolved these very common accounting issues," said the source, who did not want to be identified discussing Mercury's finances.
Dean Zerbe, national managing director for a company called alliantgroup that provides specialty tax services to accounting firms, said Beck's situation "has the look and feel of somebody who is confronting an extraordinarily complicated tax situation — or at least the people he's hired to do these things are — and is trying to comply but isn't doing everything perfectly."[78] |
9/12 project
In 2009, Beck launched the 9/12 project, a project aimed at recovering America's Christian founding values, closely allied with the Tea Party Movement. On September 12, 2009 (9/12), a massive Taxpayer March on Washington was accomplished, with hundreds of thousands of attendees, and was roundly censored by the liberal media.
The project's 9 principles and 12 values
The 9 principles:
- America Is Good.
- I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
- I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
- The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
- If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
- I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
- I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
- It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
- The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.
The 12 values: Honesty, Reverence, Hope, Thrift, Humility, Charity, Sincerity, Moderation, Hard Work, Courage, Personal Responsibility, Gratitude
Fox News show cancelled
Fox News dropped The Glenn Beck Show in 2011 due to the dropping of ratings and the loss of over 300 sponsors during the show's run — though he still may end up appearing as a guest on other commentators' shows. Roger Ailes apparently wasn't very sorry to see him go. As for Beck, when he announced his departure on the air, in keeping with his delusions of grandeur he likened himself to Paul Revere riding off into the sunset.[79]
Chances are he won't be back, as people now actually pay to watch TheBlazeTV on the Internet.[note 1] That hasn't stopped at least one very dumb person from publicly advocating such a profoundly irritating event.[80]
Other cunning stunts
Beck's latest foray into terminal strangeness is yet another high-profile public rally called Restoring Love, held on July 28th, 2012 in Texas Stadium. Given that the participants include Beck, John Hagee, Tony Perkins, Rick Scarborough and a stark raving mad peculiar gentleman named Harry Jackson[81] (who believes that Washington, DC is secretly controlled by a demon called the Queen of Heaven who supports marriage equality and the like), one has to wonder if the "love" being restored is one you can experience without the prior ingestion of 'shrooms.[82]
In May 2013 he announced a three-day event that he claims will "change the way we celebrate [the] Fourth of July". Included is an event called The Man In The Moon which he said will "engrave these things [i.e., Beck's agenda] on to your child's heart so they never forget.".[83] As of yet, there's no word on whether this "engraving" involves the use of scary clowns, demonic hand puppets, hallucinogens or—even worse—other seemingly deranged talk show hosts.
Beck and former (equally batshit) show contributor David Barton recently floated the idea of establishing two-week long "education" camps (!) to head off any funny ideas that students might get from college (including, it seems, challenging Beck and Barton's singularly bizarre alternative version of history). And you thought he was kidding when he dressed up in an uncomfortably familiar-looking uniform on the cover of Arguing with Idiots.[84] In addition, Beck's vanity press publishing arm Mercury Ink has apparently picked up the rights to Barton's The Jefferson Lies (after it was rejected by original publisher Thomas Nelson) in order to cement the collaboration of two people who apparently aren't capable of knowing when to stop soiling themselves in public.[85]
In the wake of (what else?) Barack Obama's re-election he decided to support a goofy randroid "initiative" called The American Dream Labs. He's apparently under the continued delusion impression that people outside of his hardcore crazy fan base actually care about anything he does these days.[86]
In January 2013, Glenn Beck announced his desire to found a model-town-cum-themepark-cum-indoctrination center called Independence, USA.[87] If he gets the 2 billion dollars to have it built, it'll include a theme park and its very own 'Media Center' where it will produce all its own movies, news, and information, away from the evil socialist propaganda that poisons the rest of the country.[88]
Political endorsements
Before the November 2012 election, he predicted that Romney would win the 2012 Presidential ballot by more than 100 electoral votes,[89] which resulted in a case of Foot in the Mouth Disease similar to James Inhofe's. As you might guess, he reacted to Obama's re-election in the usual fashion: with a crying jag accompanied by the usual ranting and raving.[90]
He enlisted the help of fellow weirdo Rick Santorum in battling the threat to national sovereignty that is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Disabled. Predictably, he saw the political legacy of some crazy failed artist from Austria coming to fruition if that treaty were to get passed.[91][92]
As of 2016, Beck is in the tank for Ted Cruz.[93] Glenn criticized Trump's behavior a while back[94] and then Trump insulted him personally, as Trump often does. He called The Blaze a failed newspaper with no future or something like that in a tweet. Then Beck got super-pissy because it's kind of true, and now he absolutely hates Trump.[95] Being Beck though, his dislike appears to have stemmed from a conspiratorial belief that Trump was either a crypto-progressive or a Clinton plant to guarantee her electoral victory, probably both.[96] Beck is under police investigation because he threatened to stab Trump on-air ("If I was close enough and I had a knife. Really. I mean the stabbing just wouldn't stop…")[97]
The Edward R. Murrow of our time
In early June 2013 he decided to have a conversation with himself (wearing a Boston Bruins cap on the one hand and a bad wig and fake mustache on the other) as both an IRS agent and White House official in a typically tone-deaf effort at combining humor and political commentary.[98]
And after all else fails, Beck's a pretentious git; not only have his trademark blackboards gotten bigger and crazier, but he has very expensive tastes in microphones; on Fox News, he used two chrome-dipped Blue Kiwi microphones,[99] and he now uses an apparently-vintage RCA ribbon mic, presumably to invoke such trusted voices of the radio past as, say, Charles Coughlin.
On Monday, June 10, 2013, Beck announced that he'd lost his voice, due to his golden voice being forever stilled "vocal chords [sic] paralyzed." He did this by holding up a series of cue cards, whilst dramatic music played in the background.[100] Unfortunately, he seems to have been talking just fine ever since.
Other stunning c...ountry music fans
"Mysterious illness" that "made me look crazy"
In late 2014, Glenn Beck admitted on The Blaze to having a neurological illness that's "made [him] look crazy"[101] "for years." Apparently it is so mysterious as to have left his physicians "baffled." "He has had pain and numbness, vocal paralysis, sleep disorders and, occasionally, seizures so intense he curled into a fetal position. He said he’s cured now" — after such medically approved therapies as "an intense regimen of spiritual work and fervent prayer," as well as "electric stimulation to weird gyroscope tests like the astronauts use where they’re flipping you around".[102] Whether or not the Sandra Bullock method as seen in the overrated film Gravity is effective in making him look less crazy remains to be seen. At least admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, right? Also, not everyone bought it, as Beck's "doctor" has a known history of quackery.[103]
Stopped clock
In 2010, Christian conspiracy theorist Mark Dice mailed some of his garbage to Beck after taking offense to some remarks Beck made about the 9/11 Truth movement[104]. Beck has never endorsed 9/11 conspiracy theories, to some surprise, and this has resulted in some minimal conflict with other cranks.
Even Beck understands that Donald Trump is a potential disaster for the GOP for generations to come.[105][106]
He also walked out of God's Not Dead 2, commenting "It might feel good to have a movie come out where we get to slap people across the face, but that's not helpful."[107]
On August 12, 2016, giving a speech, Beck came out in support of Black Lives Matter using a familiar metaphor (albeit with a strange highlight on pie). In an interview the next day, he expressed the need for Americans "to start listening to each other and getting out of our own little labeled bubbles."[108]
Beck appears to have had an epiphany inspired by a speech by Michelle Obama in October 2016, about Donald Trump's misogynistic comments. He revised his views on Barack Obama's presidency and a lot of other things:
“”I'm at a Dadaist time in my life. So much of what I used to believe was either always a sham or has been made into a sham. There's nothing deep.[109] |
This didn't last long, and he quickly returned to the fold after Trump's presidential victory, expressing support and respect for Trump.[110][111]
One of his most surprising stopped clock moments was when he came to the defence of a boy who was bullied by his classmates for liking My Little Pony. Glenn spoke out against the bullying, offered the kid his support and even invited the boy's family to a meal. This is probably one of the least assholish things he's ever done.
He's never issued a single denial
As if he wasn't bad enough, he also raped and murdered a young girl in 1990 demonstrated just how powerful the Streisand effect can be.
Do you remember that meme, "Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990"? Glenn took the owner of[112] to court and lost. See Beck v. Eiland-Hall
See also
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For those of you in the mood, RationalWiki has a fun article about Glenn Beck. |
- The Blaze: Beck's news aggregator
- Agenda 21
- We Surround Them
- W. Cleon Skousen
- Rush Limbaugh
- Godwin's Law
- David Barton, Beck's latest "expert" on why America is a Christian nation
External links
- Make sure to get a doctor's note
- The Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator, complete with chalkboard
- More outrageous quotes
- Confounding Fathers by Sean Wilentz
- Glenn Beck's Greatest Hits (and Misses) (according to PolitiFact)
- Handy chart of Glenn Beck's brain
- It's one of the most popular pay channels on the Roku platform.
- All hail the ministry of Dr. Glenn Beck!
- Commentary: Iraq victory possible, if we want it by Glenn Beck (June 5, 2008 — Updated 1346 GMT) CNN (archived from 7 Jul 2013 13:13:53 UTC).
- Glenn Beck: 'Liberals, You Were Right' About Iraq War
- Pelosi and Biden are not Catholics and Should Leave the Church, Right Wing Watch
- "I beg you to read this book filled with words of wisdom which I can only describe as divinely inspired."
- New York Times, February 20, 2010. The picture they took of him is absolutely awesome.
- Washington Post, 22 September 2009
- Beck: 'A NeoCon Is a Liberal!' Right Wing Warch
- The Daily Show — Moment of Zen, Glenn Beck
- Glenn Beck EXPOSED Crying On Cue Using Vicks Under His Eyes — Youtube
- Glenn Beck loses it — genuinely scary stuff.
- Glenn Beck becomes damaged goods
- Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter
- Beck — who has repeatedly attacked Obama's family — says, "Leave the families alone"
- Glenn Beck: Newt Gingrich Supporters Who Oppose Obama Are Racist Retreived February 26, 2012
- Beck: If Americans are 'So Dead Inside' That They Re-Elect Obama, Then 'We Have to be Destroyed', Right Wing Watch
- Beck: Romney is a Modern Day George Washington, Right Wing Watch
- Beck: 'I Believe (Mitt Romney) Could Be Abraham Lincoln', Right Wing Watch
- Talking Points Memo, "Glenn Beck Vows to Single-Handedly Destroy 'Glee'", June 15th, 2012
- Glenn Beck's Anti-Semitic Attacks, Michelle Goldberg, The Daily Beast
- Glenn Beck: The Puppet Master. This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," November 9, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. Published November 10, 2010; Last Update January 14, 2015) Fox News (archived from January 25, 2019).
- Glenn Beck: Five Step Plan. This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," November 10, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. (Published November 11, 2010; Last Update January 14, 2015) Fox News (archived from January 26, 2019).
- Glenn Beck: Making of the Puppet Master. This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," November 11, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. (Published November 12, 2010; Last Update January 14, 2015) Fox News (archived from January 26, 2019).
- Glenn Beck's Remarks About Soros And The Holocaust 'Offensive And Over The Top' ADL web site
- Was George Soros an SS Officer or Nazi Collaborator During World War II? by David Emery (Updated 4 February 2018; Published 28 November 2016) Snopes.
- Blaming the Victims 2.0 by Sara Elise Brown and Henry C. Theriault (June 2, 2013 at 7:55 pm) The Armenian Weekly.
- ADL: Glenn Beck's Comments About Reform Judaism Demonstrate "Bigoted Ignorance", ADL web site
- Glenn Beck Sees Civil War Brewing in America,] Right Wing Watch
- Beck: Bachmann Ethics Investigation a Muslim Brotherhood Plot, Dispatches from the Culture Wars
- Both Sides Rest in Trial of a Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Charged With Murder, Trip Gabriel, New York Times
- Beck: God Must Destroy Us Because We Are Becoming an Affront to Him in Every Way, Right Wing Watch
- Beck: Immigration Reform Advocates Practicing KKK-Style 'Domestic Terrorism', Right Wing Watch
- Kobach: Immigration Advocates Like the KKK, 'Just Not Wearing White Cloaks', Right Wing Watch
- Beck accuses White House of planting seeds for 'a race war', The Raw Story
- Beck: Obama And His Administration Are Sowing The Seeds Of A Race War. Right Wing Watch
- Back in Black — Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's. The Daily Show. 2010 May 12.
- Outraged by Glenn Beck’s Salvo, Christians Fire Back It's a little known made-up-fact that Hitler began by offering educational and recreational services in impoverished areas, followed later by a soup kitchen. This ultimately led to systematic genocide and world war. So sayeth Beck.
- "Glenn Beck: Ten Percent Of Muslims Are Terrorists (AUDIO)" — Huffington Post
- Beck: Cover-Up of Saudi Link to Boston Bombing 'is so Far Beyond Benghazi' It Is Criminal, Right Wing Watch
- 'I Don't Bluff, I Make Promises': Beck Gives Gov't Until Monday to Come Clean About Boston Bombing Cover-Up, Right Wing Watch
- Beck's Boston Conspiracy: Saudi National an al Qaeda Recruiter Linked to Tsarnaev Brothers' Bombing Right Wing Watch
- Report: Saudi man questioned in Boston Marathon bombing is a witness not a suspect, New York Daily News
- Beck Battles 'Principalities and Powers' to Reveal Boston Bombing Cover-Up, Right Wing Watch
- Beck: 'The Burden of Proof Is on the Federal Government' To Refute My Conspiracy Theory, Right Wing Watch
- Beck: 'If You Want to Continue to Discredit Me, You Will Only Discredit Yourself', Right Wing Watch
- 2123B: Beck Inadvertently Throws a Wrench Into His Own Boston Bombing Conspiracy, Right Wing Watch
- Beck: Conspiracy Theorists Work to 'Plant the Seeds of Doubt Whenever and Wherever They Can', Right Wing Watch
- Glenn Beck must face Saudi's lawsuit over Boston Marathon bombing Reuters, December 3, 2014
- Beck Wants Records From Obama's Blackberry to Determine if He Was the Source of 'Innocence of Muslims' Video, Right Wing Watch
- Glenn Beck Has It All Figured Out: Military Action Against Syria Is A Progressive Plot To Establish One World Government. Right Wing Watch
- Glenn Beck responds to Obamacare enrollment news by bellowing incoherently
- Mother Jones article on Beck, Goldline, and unhappy investors
- Watch: Commercial for Glenn Beck’s line of ‘American blue jeans’
- However, the New York Times also showed his book, An Inconvenient Book, at the top of its "Best Seller" list. Using admittedly terrible logic, Beck's book must be utter shite.
- News Hounds: Glenn Beck on The O’Reilly Factor
- Glenn Beck called hurricane survivors in New Orleans "scumbags," said he "hates" 9-11 families
- Beck calls Santorum the next 'George Washington' on Rawstory
- VIDEO: "Glenn Beck has 'Nazi Tourettes's'" — Lewis Black commentary on The Daily Show, at about 5:12 on the video. (Also, at about 4:30 on the same video, Beck rewrites the poem as "First the came for the banks… insurance companies… car companies.")
- See the Wikipedia article on First they came....
- Glenn Beck's Incredible Lack of Irony
- "What if it's Beck with a tax 'accident'?" Politico
- In case you didn't get the irony, Paul Revere's ride, as popularized by Longfellow, not only occurred at midnight, but was also the prelude to a major, long and ultimately successful conflict and not the conclusion. If anything, he's thinking of the ending of any number of spaghetti westerns where the "hero" rides off into the sunset. My hope is it was Shane.
- Cliff Kincaid begins Campaign to bring Glenn Beck back to Fox News,Right Wing Watch
- Beck's Three Day Extravaganza Will Permanently Engrave His Message Upon the Hearts of America's Children, Right Wing Watch
- Barton and Beck to Run Two-Week Indoctrination Camps for College Students, Right Wing Watch
- Beck to Republish Barton's Book, Dispatches from the Culture Wars
- Glenn Beck Goes Galt: 'Hank Rearden is About to Pour Some Steel', Right Wing Watch
- Glenn Beck's website,, announcing his project
- Using Your Own Resources!
- Beck: Romney's 321-217 Election Win Will Deliver a 'Mandate' & 'Giant Spanking' to Obama, Right Wing Watch
- And Glenn Beck Weeps, Dispatches from the Culture Wars
- Beck Spots Hitler. Again. Dispatches from the Culture Wars
- Beck: UN Convention on Rights of the Disabled Sounds Like Something 'Fascistic From the Nazi Days', Right Wing Watch
- Zezima, Katie, "Glenn Beck Endorses Cruz, Calls Him the Next George Washington", The Washington Post 1.23.16.
- East, Kirsten, "Glenn Beck: Trump 'abuses' women, should grow up", Politico (03/19/16 11:33 AM EDT).
- Kruger, Katherine, "Glenn Beck Films Humiliating Video Of Himself Rubbing Face In Cheetos (VIDEO)", Politico (4/29/16 at 2:18 PM EDT).
- "Glenn Becks Newest Conspiracy Theory: Donald Trump's Campaign is a Plot to Elect Hillary Clinton
- [, Glenn Beck Is Under Investigation for Joking About Stabbing Donald Trump With a Knife] Seriously, that kind of "humor" can encourage some hothead to act out the fantasy.
- Glenn Beck Has Bizarre Conversation With Himself, Complete With Body Double, Wig, And Fake Mustache, Mediaite
- The damn things go for US$2K a piece new; who knows how much the chrome cost…
- Glenn Beck's Teary-Eyed Silent Monologue: 'My Vocal Chords [Sic Are Paralyzed']
- 'All Pies Matter': Glenn Beck Supports #BLM, Gets Shouted Down
- New Yorker, "Glenn Beck tries out decency", November 2016
- The Official Website About The Controversy: Did Glenn Beck Rape and Murder a Young Girl in 1990? (archived from September 4, 2009).