Alan Watt
Alan Watt is a Scottish-Canadian conspiracy theorist from Ontario Canada, who runs the online conspiratorial crank ministry, Cutting Through The Matrix, where he preaches New World Order conspiracy theories while trying to make a few bucks selling books, CDs, and DVDs. In other words, a lesser known, but equally crankerish (not a real word but go with it) version of Alex Jones.[1]

Some dare call it Conspiracy |
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What THEY don't want you to know! |
Sheeple wakers |
v - t - e |
“”In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and much more than the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown. The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway. |
— Alan Watt in A Course in Deprogramming |
Consistent with a strange trend among conspiracy theorists, Watt runs a webshite that A: looks like it hasn't been updated since 1995 (sadly this is not the case). And B: has so many loud and obnoxiously bright colors of text that it makes a preschool daycare drawing look like modern chromed architecture. It will literally make your EYES BLEED.
Basic Overview
We could go on and on, but to keep this article from being about as boring as Watt himself, we'll keep it brief.
According to his website, "Because Alan is perfectly genuine he has no agent or manager to arrange radio interviews. He belongs to no group, sect, or political party. If you would like to hear him more often, you will have to request the major talk show hosts to have him back. A mind with knowledge is a terrible thing to waste."
Since 2005, Watt has been running a weekly radio show every Sunday, where he shits out all his conspiracy nonsense and takes phone calls from listeners[2]. Given the show's subject matter, as well as Watt's incredibly passive, uninteresting voice where he talks AT you rather than TO you, Watt's radio show is about as interesting as a broken garden gnome. He barely even showed interest during a 2011 radio show when a caller phoned in, showing genuine concern about world domination and public ignorance[3]. It sounded as if Watt's counter-concern was the caller's credit card number.
Since 2006, his official logo has been a badly photo-shopped Alan Watt head in martial arts attire kicking over the tearing up pyramid eye.
So, what does he believe in?
Alan Watt professes belief in the following:
- The world as we know it
has been for decadesis on the brink of collapse, and a New World Order is imminent. - Governments are using the conflict in the Middle East to distract us from the real problem... chemtrails![4]
- Professional sports are being used to distract the populace from the elite's secret plans and to "take away your manhood".[5]
- Anthropogenic climate change is a hoax and is being used as an "excuse to bring about some agenda" involving depopulation in accordance to the Club Of Rome and the United Nations.[6]
- "Prison cities" akin to the FEMA concentration camps were to be established across the world in 2011.[7] to kill off the useless eaters. As of 2021 we're still waiting for them.
- Microchips, Nanotechnology, and Implanted Biosensors are becoming the "new normal".
- TV is evil and only exists to brainwash the masses[8]
- Coronavirus has been a gold mine on Watt's website. Major plot twist, he believes it's a hoax to force mandated vaccines[9].
We could go one for days, but you get the idea by now.
Selling Sharing the truth
As if his weekly podcasts aren't enough, Alan Watt's website has a section named "Purchase" where he distributes his books, CDs and DVDs, which spread more conspiracy theories and denialist nonsense. His CDs are $40 (USD) EACH[10]. He also runs a Paypal donation button and (big surprise) gladly accepts donations.
Alan Watt in Show-Biz
Watt made his straight-to-the-bargain-rack-in-a-gas-station big screen debut in the low budget film, Order of Chaos, starring Watt as "the radio voice" alongside a cast of absolutely nobody recognizable. The film is advertised on Watt's website and is available on Amazon[11]. It actually doesn't come with a gun and ammo, despite what the front cover suggests.
Stopped clock
Despite his wacky beliefs, Watt is skeptical of religious fundamentalism. He has also denounced the equally insane views of David Icke, although this could be seen both ways.
See also
External links
- Cutting Through the Matrix (do not enter without black sunglasses and a leather trenchcoat; ability to dodge bullets is optional)
- Alan Watt is not to be confused with Alan Watts
File:Wikipedia's W.svg , the British-born philosopher and populariser of Eastern philosophy. -
- Alas, the chemtrails page on Cutting Through The Matrix contains little text - it's mostly contrail photos.
- Alan Watt The Truth About Sports (video), Travinyle1 channel on YouTube
- [Alan Watt - The Climate Change Scam, UN Agenda 21 and the Depopulation Agenda - October 10, 2012] (video), HannibaltheHerbivore channel on YouTube
- Alan Watt: Prison Cities Coming in 2011 - Alex Jones Tv 1/3 (video), TheAlexJonesChannel on YouTube
- Alan Watt | Throw Away Your TV
- The Covid Deception linked on Watt's website