
If you are experiencing problems with your Motorola Defy MB525, refer to the troubleshooting page provided here.

Motorola Defy MB525 Troubleshooting

Background and Identification

The Motorola Defy MB525 specifications include the weight being 4.2 oz., the screen size is 3.7 in. diagonally, and the sensor resolution is 5 megapixels. It operates on the Google Android 2.1. It has scratch-resistant glass, and is waterproof and dust proof. The phone also uses Google Maps for its navigation software. The phone can be found in Germany, France, Italy, Hungary, India, Thailand, Spain, the UK, Turkey Romania, Greece, and by a specific number of carriers in the United States, Canada, and Australia. This is the updated version of the Motorola MB526. The XDA Developers Forums are popular with Defy users for customization's.

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