Text editor
A text editor is Article description::a program to create and edit of text files. Although it is not impossible to edit files without using one, text editors make it easy to edit configuration files. The Gentoo @system set contains the virtual/editor package to make sure at least one editor is installed.
Program | Skill level | Features | Note |
nano | Easy | Advanced | Gentoo default |
Emacs | Advanced | Huge | |
Vim | Advanced | Huge |
More text editor options can be found online in the app-editors category or by running:
user $
eix "app-editors/*"
Vim and Vi
If Vim is installed the vi and vim commands become synonymous due to the following link:
user $
ls -al /usr/bin/vi
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Nov 25 19:59 /usr/bin/vi -> vim
The synonymous use also holds for setting editor defaults.
Sudo editor
sudo does not preserve the user's environment variables and therefore may have a different default editor.
Visudo editor
Due to the sensitive nature of /etc/sudoers it may only edited via the visudo command which in turn is limited to a predefined selection of editors. Type man visudo for more information.
Setting system default
The system wide default text editor can be defined in the /etc/env.d/99editor file. To change the Gentoo system default from nano to Vim add the path to Vim's executable:
Changing system wide text editor default<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">EDITOR="/usr/bin/vim"</syntaxhighlight>
The system default editor can also be set with the eselect utility. Replace <NUMBER>
in the following command with a number corresponding to the text editor of choice:
root #
eselect editor list
Available targets for the EDITOR variable: [1] /bin/nano [2] /bin/ed [3] /usr/bin/emacs [4] /usr/bin/ex [5] /usr/bin/vi [ ] (free form)
root #
eselect editor set <NUMBER>
Actually eselect modifies the file above.
The old method of setting the EDITOR variable in /etc/rc.conf is no longer supported. See this article for details.