Currently Gentoo Prefix does not work on NetBSD. This is a Article description::work in progress; page simply contains notes about efforts to get it up and running.
Start by installing bash via pkgsrc, because thats what I use for the guide.
The following is added to ~/.bashrc:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">export EPREFIX="$HOME/gentoo" export LDFLAGS="-L$EPREFIX/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath=$EPREFIX/usr/lib -L$EPREFIX/lib -Wl,-rpath=$EPREFIX/lib" export PATH="$EPREFIX/usr/bin:$EPREFIX/bin:$EPREFIX/tmp/usr/bin:$EPREFIX/tmp/bin:$PATH"</syntaxhighlight>
The EPREFIX part is your choice. Another popular option is EPREFIX=/usr/gentoo
Now we need the main tools. We are trying to follow the Gentoo Prefix Bootstrap Process for UNIX-like systems but NetBSD requires a lot of changes to get it working. Anyways, you need the following two files:
Save them in your home directory. In fact anything you download, put it there for the purpose of this guide.
user $
chmod 755 ~/ ~/
There is no Gentoo Prefix Profile for NetBSD on x86_64 so get profile-x86_64-pc-netbsd.tgz and put it in your home directory.
user $
mkdir $EPREFIX
user $
user $
tar zxvf ~/profile-x86_64-pc-netbsd.tgz
We have to edit to add support for our profile. Open it up and add the following sections:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">x86_64-pc-netbsd*) profile="${PORTDIR}/profiles/prefix/bsd/netbsd/6.0/x64" ldflags_make_defaults="LDFLAGS=\"-L${ROOT}/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath=${ROOT}/usr/lib -L${ROOT}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${ROOT}/lib\"" ;; ... NetBSD) case `uname -p` in i386|x86_64) CHOST="`uname -p`-pc-netbsdelf" ;;</syntaxhighlight>
m4 and bison must be installed *before* bash. We can just go down the list until we get to m4
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp make
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp wget
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp sed
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp m4
Bootstrapping m4 will probably fail due to problems with fseeko.c and fflush.c. Download patch-lib-fflush.c and also patch-lib-fseeko.c and put them in your home directory. Because the script will overwrite everything each time its run, we have to patch the source tarball and replace the original.
user $
cd $EPREFIX/tmp/usr/portage/distfiles
user $
mkdir tmp
user $
cd tmp
user $
tar zxvf ../m4-1.4.15.tar.gz
user $
cd m4-1.4.15/lib
user $
patch fflush.c < ~/patch-lib-fflush.c
user $
patch fseeko.c < ~/patch-lib-fseeko.c
user $
cd ../..
user $
tar zcvf m4-1.4.15.tar.gz m4-1.4.15/
user $
cd ..
user $
cp tmp/m4-1.4.15.tar.gz .
user $
rm -rf tmp
user $
This time it should work with our fixed tarball
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp m4
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp bison
Now we can go ahead and bootstrap bash
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp
user $
hash -r
Next up... coreutils which also has fflush.c and fseeko.c. It will fail but we run it first to download the source.
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp coreutils
When it aborts we go ahead and patch the source tarball exactly like we did for m4. Just patch the coreutils-8.16 not both. With luck it will build cleanly and install itself.
We get a breather now, several packages should bootstrap without issues.
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp findutils
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp tar
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp patch
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp grep
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp gawk
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp bash
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp zlib
user $
./ $EPREFIX/tmp python
At this point we are going to get the tree and portage. We will use latest_tree to hopefully pick up some bug fixes.
user $
./ $EPREFIX latest_tree
user $
./ $EPREFIX portage
user $
hash -r
Soon we will have serious errors with libtool unless something is done. Edit your ~/.bashrc and insert this:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">export CONFIG_SHELL="$EPREFIX/bin/bash"</syntaxhighlight>