Fonts are Article description::a core part of the system and are necessary in order to represent text on a display.
Font installation in Gentoo is handled much like other distributions. It can be as easy as copying the font file into the proper directory. Other methods, such as fontconfig are also possible.
Home directory
When installing fonts on a local basis, each user can create a .local/share/fonts directory in their home directory. This directory can then be filled with font files:
user $
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
user $
cp ~/Downloads/Inconsolata.otf ~/.local/share/fonts
Historically, the ~/.fonts directory was used to store fonts on a per-user basis. The modern equivalent is ~/.local/share/fonts.
Check in a few applications to see if the newly copied font has been made available. A terminal emulator or an office program should work nicely for this purpose.
Globally available
System administrators (those with root privileges) can copy fonts into the system's /usr/share/fonts directory. This will make fonts available to any user on the system.
root #
cp /home/larry/Downloads/Inconsolata.otf /usr/share/fonts
Console font
In order to use a specific font in the console, set the consolefont variable in /etc/conf.d/consolefont to the name of a file found in /usr/share/consolefonts/ (without the .psfu.gz suffix).
Setting the console font<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">consolefont="lat9w-16"</syntaxhighlight>
Next, verify that the consolefont service is in the boot runlevel:
root #
rc-update -v show | grep consolefont
If no runlevel is displayed for consolefont, then add it to the proper level:
root #
rc-update add consolefont boot
If you need bigger fonts and more modern looking fonts for HD screens you should install media-fonts/terminus-font. It has fonts with sizes from 12 to 32 pixels.
GUI font
To configure fonts for use in graphical applications, see Fontconfig.
See also
- About Picking fonts in the Fontconfig docs
- Localization/Guide/The_Euro_symbol — how to display the Euro symbol (€) for the console and in X.
- Sakaki's Unofficial EFI Install Guide
External resources
- In-depth articles from Arch Linux wiki on:
- - A font distribution website that beautifully displays fonts.