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Joined 13 March 2010
Did you know that the longest place name in the world is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu, in New Zealand. In Maori it means:"The brow of the hill where Tamatea--the man with the big knees, who slid down climbed up and swallowed mountains, traveled the land and is known as the land eater--played his nose flute to his loved one."(wow that was a good use for a notice box :) )

GUM's page!Edit

Hi, welcome to my page! I come to this site because I love the Elder Scrolls and this site is the best Elder Scrolls site I've ever seen (plus I've got nothing better to do) and my forum name is GUM!!!!. I like welcoming users because I think it makes them feel… welcome! I'm also probably one of the younger editors on UESP. I'm 42 on the Active Users list(YAY!)!(Please don't touch my sandbox! I have it here for easy access! Thank you!) User:GUM!!!/sandbox

My Favorite Oblivion YouTube VideosEdit

This is where I list my favorite Oblivion YouTube videos that you will (probably) like!

100 Ways to Die in Oblivion

Domino Day 1-3 by chillvie (there's a lot of Domino Day videos so I listed the username)

Adoring Fan Deaths(username:nugard123)

The Halo Scrolls 1-3!

If you actually watch one of these videos I CONGRATULATE YOU!!!!!

The Oblivion NPC Redesign ProjectEdit

On the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project I haven't done much. Only one thing to be exact, on Trenus Duronius but I'm planing to do more with the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project.

My fanficEdit

These are my fanfics which you probably won't like and they're all about food


My main characters' names are always GUM (in caps). I have 2 characters in Oblivion and 3 in Morrowind:

Morrowind CharactersEdit

GUM: Bosmer Warrior who is pretty much the best character ever made on Xbox 'cause he has 100 in Acrobatics and I've used the Feather Glitch so he pretty much jumps everywhere. I forget what factions he's in.
He's currently exploring the Island of Solstheim and trying to get the Skaal to trust him.
Worst glitch ever! GUM was suffering from the Outside Glitch, but found a fix! (It's listed on the Morrowind Glitches talk page.

Oblivion CharactersEdit

If you want to know see my sandbox

Things I Hate About OblivionEdit

Well, this is where I list things I hate in Oblivion...(NOTE:this section is mostly meant for your entertainment)

15.The shrine of Clavicus Vile because it reminds me of...the Adoring Fan!*faints*

16.Sheogorath because he didn't give me any cheeseeeeeee, why! whyyyyyyyyy! why meeeeeeee!

17.Breaking news, Errandil has a competitor for his title of ugliest High Elf of them all!

18.Why do Swamp Tentacles look like french fries?

19.Why would you break in through the sewers when you could just set the main gate on fire?

20.Stupid Grummites stop blocking!

21.Big Head stop picking pockets and fights!

22.Otumeel? sounds like oatmeal...mmm...oatmeal...

23.Why would any one want to follow a sword?

24.Manheim Maulhand you really need to get some pants.

25.The epic Mehrunes' Razor plug-in puts you fighting a fighting a a huge army...that really sucks...

26.Vampires won't leave you alone even if you are one!

27.Exhausted Mine has way too many skeletons.

28.Hieronymus Lex so obsessed with the Thieves Guild, he should join!

29.Errandil the ugliest High Elf of them all!

30.The Arena because you can't take your opponent's weapon.

My favorite FanficsEdit

Well this is where I put the Fanfics that I have read and liked a lot so here they are.

Escape to Valenwood

The Sickness


Please ask if you want to copy my userboxes.

  This user is not a Fuzzy Wuzzy Teddy Bear.
  This user is knowledgeable about Morrowind.
  This user is knowledgeable about Tribunal.
  This user is knowledgeable about Bloodmoon.
  This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
  This user is knowledgeable about the Wizard's Tower official download.
  This user is knowledgeable about Shivering Isles.
  This user is knowledgeable about the Mehrunes' Razor official download.
  This user is knowledgeable about the Spell Tomes official download.
  This user is knowledgeable about the Fighter's Stronghold official download.
  This user is knowledgeable about the Thieves Den official download.
  This user is in House Hlaalu.
  This user plays on the Xbox.
  This user has unlocked all of the Achievements for Oblivion.
  This user knows much, tells some.
  This user is a Madgod in the Court of Madness.
  This user is a Master in the Fighters Guild.
  This user is a Grand Champion in the Arena.
  This user is a Gray Fox in the Thieves Guild.
  This user is a Knight Brother in the Blades.
  This user is a Knight-Errant in the Knights of the White Stallion.
  This user is a Champion of Cyrodiil in the Order of the Dragon.
  This user is a Brother in the Order of the Virtuous Blood.
  This user is an Arch-Mage in the Mages Guild.
  This user is a Listener in the Dark Brotherhood.
  This user is from Canada.
  This user is a Genius.
  This user likes moving pictures.
  This user is male.
  This user wishes they could play on the Nintendo.
  This User has had a very dearly loved and respected Argonian overwrited
  This user has fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!
  This user really really likes skeletons especially summoned ones
  This users favorite in game book is Surfeit of Thieves.
  This user likes tomatoes!
  This user prefers heavy armor.  
1250 This user has unlocked all Xbox 360 achievements, which means he is pretty much awesome.
  This user wishes that his kwama laid golden eggs!
  This user wishes that they could play as a dwemer.
  This user thinks that robots are cool!
  This user thinks that Modryn Oreyn is the best artist ever!
  This user is a member of the Argonian race.
  This user is a member of the Khajiit race.
  When ever this user sees this sign they run away!
  This user likes undoing vandalism because it makes them feel important to this site
  This user regularly watches the recent changes page, sometimes for hours each day, but is not a recent changes Patroller.
  This user is NOT an administrator so stop asking!
  This user wishes that they could go to Character Stuff Wonderland !
  This user is not a Werewolf.
  This user doesn’t like potatoes
  This user wishes that they had a stick made out of fishies to give to you. Sadly he ate it…
  This user is knowledgeable about the Vile Lair official download.
  This user is knowledgeable about the Orrery official download.
  This users intelligence isn't very high.
  This user is an Eh-saying, hockey-
playing, beer drinking, maple syrup
and poutine eating Canadian, eh.
  This user thinks that other users ignore him
:( This user is probably bored :(
:O This user wonders what it would be like to be a vandal...
  This user has been on UESPWiki for 15 years and 9 days.
  This user thinks UESP is magic because it cured his sickness
  This user likes pants. Loves sweetroll.
  This user is a Clone.
  This user writes fanfiction.
Hi! 200+ This user has welcomed over 200 nusers.
PC This user wants to play on PC.