ErfXploded (talk+ • contribs • edit count • logs • email)
Spoiler text test stolen from bg3wiki
- Category:Online-Removed Books
- eso year stories standartized and dlcs maybe
- Lore:Summoning Days
- Skyrim Mod:Paid Mods and Skyrim Mod:Robert the Reaper mod itself
- [dev aliases]
- next crate to check for item standarts but also go over from start to check for missing links (hover over card to see whether the link exists)
- make it so General:Videos looks good
- old lore transclusions lol
- make antiquities look good
- Tibrol trees r cool
- Meet the Character make correct links everywhere
- Lore:Books mentioned texts and books by author cleanup (Lore:The_Library_of_Dusk:_Rare_Books)
- time.lol for iso time date, YYYY-MM-DD
- Lore:Maps project
- Devpages
- Template:Cite Web for devpages
- Template:Real Person Summary altho idk
- dev pages templates with proper tables for books authored
- General:Gold Coast Twitter Roleplay
- maybe make [this] into a page
- lorebook info, cool note template
- OOG links
- C0DA stuff [sauce]
- >The Prophet of Landfall links: [tumblr art of comic]
- >DIES IRAE links: [tumblr thing]
- >CvC links: [base cyrus], [cyrus sketch yoku], [wanted poster]
- >numinatus links: [desc and img], [another desc].
- C0DA stuff [sauce]
- Credits
MK's gifts to KK (around 11th of September) |
Undated, possibly 2004, 2007-2008
ESO cool items | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.