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< Skyrim - The Adventure Game
Followers can help you tackle stronger enemies.

Followers are friendly characters acquired through Quests that can join you in your adventures and aid you in battle. They do not have armor, meaning they cannot be killed in battle, though some Followers have abilities that will kill them. Followers attack first, before you and the enemy, so you may want to change your tactics depending on what actions your Follower performs. If a Follower performs an action that affects a player, the ability only applies to the player that owns the Follower, unless specified otherwise.

You can have as many Followers as you want, but only one can be active at a time. You can change your Follower at the beginning of your turn, but not during Combat. Followers cannot be traded between players.

There are 50 Followers overall. 25 are in the Core Game, and a further 25 are included in the Dawnguard expansion.


Core GameEdit

  • Angry Spirit"GHAAAA!" Angry Spirit is a Wisp acquired during Unwanted Guests. Its abilities are Frostbite and Drain. It can be discarded by paying 4 Soul Gem Components in Winterhold.
  • Bahssi"I kill for you. You pay me." Bahssi is a female Khajiit in hide armor that can be hired for 8 Septims during Hiring Mercenaries. Her abilities are Backstab, Slash, and Pay Day.
  • Bevler Narsen"Feed me the blood of my enemies!" Bevler Narsen is a male Dunmer in robes acquired during My Cowl!. His abilities are Cower, Betrayal, and Beserk.
  • Brotherhood Initiate"I do the Night Mother's bidding, not yours." Brotherhood Initiate is a female member of the Dark Brotherhood.What links to 154?. Her abilities are Backstab and Swing.
  • Caylthe Lelant"I respect your knowledge." Caylthe Lelant is a male Altmer in robes acquired during The Messenger. His abilities are Ice Spike and Firebolt.
  • Doppelganger"Don't mind me; I'm just following you." Doppelganger is a robed double of Phebelle shrouded in darkness acquired during Dear Me. They attack using the same abilities as the enemy. This only includes damaging abilities. Abilities that summon, damage Stamina and Magicka, or affect all players have those effects ignored.
  • Eolin Carinie"Years of study... for this." Eolin Carinie is a male Dunmer in robes that can be hired for 8 Septims during Hiring Mercenaries. His abilities are Flames, Spark, and Pay Day.
  • Giara Sibanis"Fight without fear." Giara Sibanis is a female Imperial in banded iron armor dual wielding swords acquired during The Deranged Crusader. Her abilities are Slash, Feint, and Charge.
  • Gisalg Camareen"Taproot, imp stool and... justice elixir!" Gisalg Camareen is a female Argonian acquired during Justice Elixir. Her abilities are Collect, which grants you 1 Plant Component and Stab. She also Poisons enemies at the beginning of each Combat Round.
  • Glossic Chales"My knowledge, at your service." Glossic Chales is a male Breton in robes acquired during the Glossic Chales Town Exploration. His abilities are Ice Spike and Fire Bolt.
  • Isbrann LynThe Atronach flickers. Isbrann Lyn is a unique Atronach acquired during The Atronach. He is described as having a hulking body with combined traits of fire, ice, and lighting, though his card visually depicts him as a Flame Atronach. His abilities are Ice Spike and Firebolt.
  • Jouane Manette"Don't get hurt!" Jouane Manette is a male Breton in Imperial light armor acquired during Home Improvement. His abilities are Heal and Heal Party.
  • Katly Harrier"Just tell me where to aim." Katly Harrier is a female Imperial in iron armor wielding a long bow that can be hired for 8 Septims during Hiring Mercenaries. Her abilities are Aim, Shoot, and Pay Day.
  • Maeos Rosewood"Cover me! I'll take them down from afar!" Maeos Rosewood is a male Altmer in Blades armor wielding an elven bow acquired during the Maeos Rosewood Wilderness Exploration. His abilities are Aim, Shoot, and Inspire.
  • Merten the Bloody"Justice will be served." Merten the Bloody is a female Imperial in Blades armor wielding a Nordic mace acquired through the Merten the Bloody Town Exploration after sparing Moivva Karnai at the end of The Blades campaign. Her abilities are Hack, Bash, and Inspire.
  • Mjoll the Lioness"I will avenge my brother." Mjoll the Lioness is a female Nord in iron armor wielding a steel battleaxe acquired during Meeting the Lioness. Her abilities are Swing, Slash, and Protect.
  • Moivva Karnai"This one will help you. This one remembers her debt." Moivva Karnai is a female Khajiit in fur armor acquired from the Moivva Karnai Wilderness Exploration is you have the Strange Alliances Status. Her abilities are Claw, Stab, and Invisibility.
  • Nalvrala Omeds"I want to test what I'm learning." Nalvrala Omeds is a female Dunmer in elven armor acquired during Can I Have Some More?. Her abilities are Firebolt and Slash.
  • Runil"Regrets... so many regrets..." Runil is a male Altmer in robes acquired during Questions and Altmers. His abilities are Bound Axe and Summon Daedra.
  • Sereen Fishar"Septims and mead, the true meaning of life." Sereen Fishar is a female Redguard in elven armor wielding an elven greatsword that can be hired during the Sereen Fishar Town Exploration. Her abilities are Slash, Backstab, and Pay Day.
  • Sheb Buzak"Today's not my day. Maybe tomorrow." Sheb Buzak is a male Orsimer in Blades armor wielding a warhammer acquired during the Sheb Buzak Wilderness Exploration. His abilities are Hack and Bash.
  • Simus Bearclaw"My axe, at your service." Simus Bearclaw is a male Nord in iron armor wielding a steel war axe that can be hired for 8 Septims during Hiring Mercenaries. His abilities are Slash, Chop, and Pay Day.
  • Tolgan Short-Tooth"Mead and battle! See you in Sovngarde!" Tolgan Short-Tooth is a male Nord in steel plate armor acquired through the Tolgan Short-Tooth Town Exploration. His abilities are Punch, Slap, and Mead!
  • Tyler"Remember me? I don't!" Tyler is a human shrouded in darkness acquired during The Hollow Man. His abilities are Charge, Shock, and Recover.
  • Uglan Buglim"For glory!" Uglan Buglim is a female Orsimer in Orcish armor wielding a Nordic battleaxe acquired during For Honor and Glory. Her abilities are Swing, Slash, and Heal.


  • Armored TrollArmored Trolls are a collection of 4 Followers available from Fort Dawnguard once it has been levelled up with 15 Experience. Each have the same abilities, Crush and Charge. Their variants are:
    • 548 — An idle Armored Troll.
    • 549 — A roaring Armored Troll.
    • 550 — An idle Armored Troll.
    • 551 — An idle Armored Troll.
  • Dawnguard Army"Let's find that Vampire!" Dawnguard Army is a group of 3 Dawnguard members wielding Dawnguard axes acquired during Protectors Become Murderers. Their abilities are Charge and Mob.
  • Dawnguard Follower"Isran asked me to assist you." Dawnguard Follower is a female Khajiit in Dawnguard armor acquired during Conceited Support. Her abilities are Shoot and Quick Shoot.
  • Dawnguard Recruit"I'll try to keep up!" Dawnguard Recruits are a collection of 4 Followers available from Fort Dawnguard. Each have the same ability, Shoot. Their variants are:
    • 540 — A male Nord in Dawnguard armor.
    • 541 — A male Khajiit in Dawnguard armor.
    • 542 — A female Altmer in Dawnguard armor.
    • 543 — A male Imperial in Dawnguard armor.
  • Dawnguard Veteran"I smell death." Dawnguard Veterans are a collection of 4 Followers available from Fort Dawnguard once it has been levelled up with 10 Experience. Each have the same abilities, Shoot and Slash. Their variants are:
    • 544 — A female in Dawnguard armor.
    • 545 — A male Redguard in Dawnguard armor.
    • 546 — A male in Dawnguard armor.
    • 547 — A female in Dawnguard armor.
  • Derelle"What have you done to me?" Derelle is a female Imperial vampire in fine clothes acquired during Songs of Freedom. Her abilities are Drain and Inspire.
  • East Empire MercenaryEast Empire Mercenary is a male Imperial in leather armor acquired during The Captain of the Guard. His abilities are Swing and Slash.
  • FroassaFroassa is a female Nord in scaled armor acquired during Reborn. Her abilities are Lunge and Flurry.
  • Orc Fighter"Hunting Vampires? Fun!" Orc Fighter is a male Orsimer in leather armor acquired during Fists and Words. His abilities are Smash and Kneecap.
  • Vampire Thrall"What can I do for you?" Vampire Thrall is a female Imperial in fur armor.What links to 531?. Her abilities are Crush, Charge, and Lose Control.
  • Vampire's Follower"Glory to Clan Volkihar!" Vampire's Follower is a female Altmer vampire in vampire armor acquired during The Lord of Vampires. Her abilities are Swing, Stab, and Drain.
  • Velan"I follow your command." Velan is a male Imperial vampire in fine clothes acquired during In the Name of Arkay. His abilities are Heal and Courage.
  • Vigilant of Stendarr"May Stendarr protect us." Vigilants of Stendarr are a collection of 4 Followers available from the Hall of the Vigilant once ith as been levelled up with 8 Experience. Each have the same abilities, Crush and Heal. Their variants are:
    • 552 — A male Nord in robes.
    • 553 — A female Imperial in robes.
    • 554 — A male Breton in robes.
    • 555 — A female Dunmer in robes.