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Online:Waking Flame Style

< Elder Scrolls Online: Styles
Waking Flame Style
Book Crafting Motif 99: Waking Flame Style
Material ON-icon-style material-Chokeberry Extract.pngChokeberry Extract
Outfit System
Armor Styles 1 Weapon Styles 1
Small Armor 00000500500 Gold 1-Handed 000015001500 Gold
Large Armor 000010001000 Gold 2-Handed 000030003000 Gold
Dress and armor yourself in the fashion to best please Lord Dagon and commit atrocities on the tiresome "innocents" roaming Tamriel! Use to learn the Waking Flame crafting style. The Waking Flame Motif has a chance to drop by killing the final boss in the Cauldron.Crown Store description

Waking Flame Style is a crafting motif worn by the Order of the Waking Flame. Armor sets that bear this style can be found in The Cauldron group dungeon, which is part of the Flames of Ambition DLC. The associated style material is ON-icon-style material-Chokeberry Extract.pngChokeberry Extract.

Style pages will drop from Baron Zaudrus starting August 24, 2021. The entire style will also be available for purchase from the Crown Store for 050005,000 Crowns starting that day. It returned from August 22 to August 26, 2024 with a discounted price of 040004,000 Crowns for ESO Plus members.


Sets that bear this style are:

Set Name Bonuses Location(s) Set Type
Unleashed Ritualist

2 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Magicka
3 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Magicka
4 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Magicka
5 items: Dealing damage to an enemy applies Ritualist's Mark to them for 10 seconds. Enemies with your Ritualist's Mark take an additional 0-16% damage from your summoned pets.

The Cauldron  Light Armor
Dagon's Dominion

2 items: Adds 3-129 Weapon and Spell Damage
3 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Stamina
4 items: Adds 3-129 Weapon and Spell Damage
5 items: Adds 11-492 Weapon and Spell Damage to your area of effect abilities.

The Cauldron  Medium Armor
Foolkiller's Ward

2 items: Adds 34-1487 Armor
3 items: Adds 34-1487 Armor
4 items: Adds 28-1206 Maximum Health
5 items: Activating Block while in combat places a damage shield on you and up to 3 group members within 18 meters for 2 seconds that absorbs up to 4000 direct damage. If a damage shield breaks, the wearer of the shield restores 132-5680 Magicka and Stamina. This effect can occur once every 30 seconds if a damage shield broke. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds if no damage shields broke.

The Cauldron  Heavy Armor


Type Items
Light Armor                
Hat Epaulets Jerkin Robe Gloves Sash Breeches Shoes
Medium Armor              
Helmet Arm Cops Jack Bracers Belt Guards Boots
Heavy Armor              
Helm Pauldrons Cuirass Gauntlets Girdle Greaves Sabatons
Light Armor
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor

Weapons and ShieldsEdit

Weapons and Shields
Dagger Sword Axe Mace Greatsword Battle Axe Maul Bow Staff Shield
One-handed Weapons and Shield
Two-handed Weapons



There is one achievement associated with this style:

Achievement Points Description
    Waking Flame Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Waking Flame style book, occasionally found as rewards for completing the Cauldron dungeon.