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< Elder Scrolls Online: Places(Redirected from Online:Trial)
Sanctum Ophidia

Trials are a form of endgame content in Elder Scrolls Online. They are designed for groups of 12, and each has a leaderboard associated with it. Each trial has a Normal and Veteran mode, although the leaderboard and the majority of achievements are restricted to Veteran mode.

Trials also have an additional Hard Mode for certain bosses, which can be activated manually within the dungeon itself. It typically involves activating an item or an object found near the boss. Unlike Group Dungeon hard mode (which is activated by reading a scroll), Trials hard mode can be turned on and off in all trials except for those in Craglorn.

The weekly quest for trials resets at a different time for each megaserver: on the North American server, the trial of the week quest period begins on Tuesday 6am ET (10am UTC) and ends at Monday 6pm ET (10pm UTC); on the European server, the period begins on Tuesday 3am UTC (Monday 11pm ET) and ends on Monday 3pm UTC (11am ET).


  •   Rockgrove  — An Argonian settlement and trial located in the southeastern reaches of Blackwood. (map)

Clockwork CityClockwork CityEdit


High IsleHigh IsleEdit

  •   Dreadsail Reef  — A reef off the coast of High Isle that serves as a major base for the Dreadsails, a group of Maormer pirates. (map)

Northern ElsweyrElsweyrEdit

Reaper's MarchEdit

Summerset SummersetEdit

  •   Cloudrest  — A city found on the mountain of Eton Nir in Summerset, east of Ebon Stadmont. (map)

Telvanni PeninsulaNecromEdit


West WealdGold RoadEdit

Western SkyrimGreymoorEdit

  •   Kyne's Aegis  — A bastion in the Sea of Ghosts, located on an island off the coast north of Solitude. (map)


  • Trials originally had a group-wide Soul Reservoir mechanic which limited the number of respawns to 36. This was replaced in Update 9 with the Vitality Bonus system (Veteran mode only), which affects the final score based on the number of remaining lives but does not force the trial to end if that limit is reached.
  • The trials in Craglorn originally had no Normal mode and did not scale to the group leader. This was changed in Updates 10 and 11.