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Online:Spinner Urthrendir

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Spinner Urthrendir
Location West Weald
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Health 4,043,876 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Recollection
Spinner Urthrendir

Spinner Urthrendir is a Wood Elf spinner and member of the Recollection, he can be found at Fall's Glade in the Dawnwood.

Related QuestsEdit


Activating Hallucination:

Spinner Urthrendir: "See only what I want you to!"
Spinner Urthrendir: "Get lost in the illusions I spin!"
Spinner Urthrendir: "Succumb to my illusions!

Destroying one of the Illusory Mushrooms:

Spinner Urthrendir: "Burn one and two more sprout!"
Spinner Urthrendir: "You dare harm my mushrooms?"
Spinner Urthrendir: "My illusions can't be broken so easily!"

Destroying all of the Illusory Mushrooms:

Spinner Urthrendir: "No! You resisted my illusions!"

Casting Ravening Vines:

Spinner Urthrendir: "Feel the roots entangle you!"
Spinner Urthrendir: "My roots will destroy you!"

Upon dying:

Spinner Urthrendir: "The Recollection will remember!"
Spinner Urthrendir: "My death is just the beginning!"

Idle or Group Wipe:

Spinner Urthrendir: "The Weald will succumb to my illusions!"
Spinner Urthrendir: "Those fools in Skingrad will bow to the Recollection!"
Spinner Urthrendir: "Fall before the Recollection!"

Skills & AbilitiesEdit

Melee Attack
Melee Attack
Spinner Urthrendir creates Illusory Mushrooms which causes damage over time and allows Urthrendir to disappear. They can be dispelled by using the bodies of Wasp Bombardiers and their Caustic Grenades.
Grasping Roots
Ravening Vines
Spinner Urthrendir causes vines to grow in all directions.
Poison Bolt
Ranged poison attack.


There is one achievement associated with this character:

Achievement Points Description
   Disillusioned 15 Defeat the Wood Elf Spinner Urthrendir in Fall's Glade.