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Online:Refabricated Centurion

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Refabricated Centurion
Location Abanabi Cave, Halls of Fabrication
Species Dwarven Centurion
Health Normal804,728Veteran(?) Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
An active Refabricated Centurion

Refabricated Centurions are dwarven centurions fought beneath the rift inside Abanabi Cave during the Pinnacle Factotum boss fight. They are initially laying dormant in a circle around the platform before being activated throughout the fight.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Two ninety degree cones directly across from each other, cast four times with a ninety degree turn in between. On veteran difficulty each tick of the cone is accompanied by a stacking 10% healing taken reduction debuff called a 'scald'. With three ticks per cast, it is very possible for a character to end up with a 100% scald. Skills that provide a damage shield are particularly effective at countering this.
Spin Attack
If the centurion is too far from the character to which it assigned aggro, it will start to spin as it moves to close the distance. While spinning the centurion will throw shrapnel around the arena for moderate physical damage.
Lightning Spin [Active under boss health 40%]
Once the Pinnacle is low health, it will begin spawning a second centurion into the fray. The second centurion will have lightning charging its arms, and only use a spin attack toward its target. The damage from this centurion will also drain magicka and stamina.