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Online:The Infinite Panopticon

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The Infinite Panopticon
(view on map)
Discoverable No
Dungeon (?)
# of Zones (?)
Corrupted Hushed Dark Champion, Corrupted Hushed Darkblade, Corrupted Hushed Laborer, Corrupted Hushed Nightblade, Corrupted Hushed Ravener, Corrupted Hushed Reaver, Corrupted Hushed Shadecaller, Corrupted Hushed Spellfiend, Corrupted Hushed Vanguard, Corrupted Hushed Warrior, Corrupted Lurker, Corrupted Seeker, Corrupted Watchling, Diseased Skeever, Dreamcarver Kynreeve, Dreamcarver Ranger, Dreamcarver Shade Sentinel, Dreamcarver Spellsword, Guardian Gaze, Gelkhai the Hunger, Hidden Kindred Alchemist, Hidden Kindred Bound Armorer, Hidden Kindred Assassin, Hidden Kindred Champion, Hidden Kindred Shadowblade, Hidden Kindred Stinger, Hidden Kindred Tormentor, Hunger, Hushed Nightblade, Hushed Shadow Mage, Lurker, Ogre, Plague Hopper, Ravenous Darkness, Seeker, Watchling, Watcher
Quest Chain
Accessed from portal in Chroma Incognito during quests
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"The Infinite Panopticon is a place of legend. It supposedly consists of an endless labyrinth of rooms and passages that refuses to conform to reality as we know it, and is said to be directly connected to the Mythos."—Leramil the Wise
Entrance to the Infinite Panopticon

The Infinite Panopticon is a repository of knowledge and pocket realm of Apocrypha. The entrance is said to move around, so during the related quests Leramil the Wise will have you assist her in opening a way inside. This place is also said to be directly linked to Mythos.

Once inside, you will find that the Hidden Kindred have spread a malignant substance which effects Apocrypha and it denizens, including Hermaeus Mora himself. During the events of Necrom, you will visit this location twice.

Related QuestsEdit




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