Dothaz | |||
Location | Fort Grief, Plaza of Portals | ||
Race | Dremora | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Bladebearer Clan |
Dothaz is a Dremora member of the nomadic Bladebearer Clan imprisoned by the Order of the Waking Flame at Fort Grief.
Related QuestsEdit
- Born of Grief: Ascend Annihilarch's Summit to locate the Waking Flame's hidden base.
- Deadlight: Invade a lost realm of Oblivion that serves as Sister Celdina's headquarters.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
Born of GriefEdit
As you make your way through Fort Grief, you'll come across several Bladebearers in cages. Free Dothaz and Vame and Rynkyus will appear:
- Dothaz: "We won't let you feed us to your device!"
- Rynkyus: "These mortals are allies, Dothaz. Tell them what you know of this place."
Speak to Dothaz:
- "Bladebearers do not bother with mortals. Even those at Wretched Spire we barely tolerate. But if Rynkyus commands it, I will treat you as an ally.
This device they call the cataclyst, it is an abomination." - Tell us what happened to you, Dothaz.
- "We tracked the first group of missing Bladebearers to Kynmarcher Jynd's foundry. When Nokvroz gave our Kyn to the Waking Flame mortals, we followed them to Annihilarch's Summit. That's where Nokvroz's blood adepts captured us."
- And they brought you here?
- "Yes, bound like Ogrim waiting for the torturer's lash. The mortal leader, Sister Celdina. Nokvroz stood beside her like a trained clannfear. They took our Kyn to the citadel, to their cataclyst device. They use our essence to fuel the infernal thing."
- What do you mean they use your essence? We thought the cataclyst transforms Daedra into Incarnates.
- "I heard cultists talking. Apparently early versions of the cataclyst used a single Daedra and transformed them into some sort of living disaster. But this version, the Riven Cataclyst. It drains the essence from many Daedra, leaving nothing behind."
- And that's bad?
- "Mortals! You know nothing! They use the collected essences to create a single, powerful Incarnate. The essences overwhelm the recipient, erasing them, remaking them. They become a mindless force of destruction.
Meanwhile, the drained ones … die." - I thought Dremora can't die.
- "Normally, we cannot. But with our essence drained, nothing remains to return to Oblivion. Nothing to reform.
You need to know. They have another stronghold. A place called Deadlight. But if you seek the Riven Cataclyst, it's in the fort's citadel."
After defeating the Storm Incarnate, he will be back in Wretched Spire:
- "Pure luck spared me from the infernal device. And your timely arrival. I am … grateful … mortal."
After speaking to Lyranth, Rynkyus will issue orders to his Bladebearers:
- Rynkyus: "Bladebearers! Scour the Deadlands for signs of the Waking Flame. Wherever Sister Celdina hides, we will find her!"
A portal opens and the team departs.
Arrive at the Plaza of Portals to meet with Rynkyus. Before you can speak a portal opens revealing Drozu and some Bladebearers:
- "Speak with Kynreeve Rynkyus, mortal. He has a task for you that will help us put an end to the Waking Flame."
After speaking to Rynkyus:
- "You reunited me with my brothers. I won't forget that.
Good luck with the portal key. We'll keep scouting the Deadlands to keep tabs on our enemies."
Against All HopeEdit
Return to Fargrave after defeating Nokvroz and seemingly all of Fargrave has turned out to celebrate your victory:
- "Kynreeve Rynkyus was right to trust you, mortal. I look forward to seeing how your legend grows."