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Online:Doombringer Eshil

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Doombringer Eshil
Location Ne Salas Cache Annex, Imperial Sewers
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Order of the Waking Flame
Doombringer Eshil

Doombringer Eshil is an Imperial member of the Order of the Waking Flame who you encounter while helping Lyranth and Eveli Sharp-Arrow with their separate investigations throughout the Imperial Annexes.

He is first seen in the Ne Salas Cache Annex with Pedagogue Eralin, and later in the Imperial Sewers Cache Annex. You catch up to Eshil in part of the Deadlands' testing grounds, where he is seen communing with Mehrunes Dagon.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

A Mortal's TouchEdit

When you have caught up to Eveli in the Ne Salas Cache Annex, you will find her looking down at the chamber below where Doombringer Eshil and Pedagogue Eralin can be found trying to open one of the caches.

Doombringer Eshil "We must recover the Daedric weapons, pedagogue! Bring me the contents of that cache as soon as you have them."
Pedagogue Eralin: "I will not fail, doombringer! I'll have the wards down momentarily."
<Doombringer Eshil teleports away.>

You then make your way through the Annex and Eveli unlocks the cache. You bring the encoded documents to Beragon who translates them, and you learn about the Four Ambitions.

The Emperor's SecretEdit

After travelling to Riften with Eveli, you will find your lead has been murdered by the Dark Brotherhood. However, Lyranth will come to you with some results of her own investigation, the location of another Cache Annex beneath the Imperial City. Once you arrive there, you will find that the Waking Flame has already broken inside. Further in the Annex, you will find ritual notes showing that Doombringer Eshil is there performing a ritual to commune with Mehrunes Dagon. As you approach the shrine of Dagon, you can overhear a conversation between the Doombringer and the Daedric Prince.

Doombringer Eshil: "Mehrunes Dagon, show me where to find your Four Ambitions!"
Mehrunes Dagon: "Step through the portal and prove your worth to the lord of fire and flood!"
Doombringer Eshil: "To walk upon the sacred sands of the Deadlands? You honor me, Lord Dagon!"
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "That cracked acorn is stepping into Oblivion?"
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Look, behind the statue! A portal! Come on!"

As you approach Doombringer Eshil, he will step through the portal to Oblivion before you can stop him. You and Eveli step through, and find yourselves in part of the Deadlands, following the path to the center of the area, you can overhear parts of the conversation between Dagon and Eshil.

Mehrunes Dagon: "I gave the mortals everything they requested, and yet we come to this."
Doombringer Eshil: "Your acolyte, the leader of our order. He sent me to find the Four Ambitions, Lord Dagon."

Continuing down the path, you hear more:

Doombringer Eshil: "The leader of the Waking Flame sent me to finish what the Black Drake started."
Mehrunes Dagon: "I have invested a significant amount of effort into the Four Ambitions."
Mehrunes Dagon: "And yet the Ambitions have been misplaced and the bargain struck remains unfulfilled."
Doombringer Eshil: "Then command me, Lord Dagon! I shall do whatever you ask!"
Mehrunes Dagon: "You want my Ambitions? Then prove your worth and destroy the intruders!"

In the center of the area, is a statue of Mehrunes Dagon, and Doombringer Eshil will be out of reach. Instead, he summons something to fight in his stead:

Doombringer Eshil: "Arise, Qrazgoth! Destroy those who would defy Lord Dagon!"

You will need to fight the Daedric Titan, midway through the fight Eshil calls for aid:

Doombringer Eshil: "Lord Dagon, Prince of Destruction, lend us your strength!"
Doombringer Eshil
Location The Deadlands: Testing Grounds
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 63735 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile Class Fire Mage
Other Information
Faction(s) Order of the Waking Flame

As Qrazgoth nears defeat, Eshil will join in and fights with fire magic:

Doombringer Eshil: "You hurt Qrazgoth? Then face me directly, unbelievers!"

Once you have killed Eshil, Dagon will allow you to leave due to you winning the fight.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

A basic ranged attack that does minor flame damage.
Heat Wave
The enemy releases fire along the ground in the direction it is facing. This attack does moderate flame damage to all targets hit by it. This spell can be interrupted to set the enemy off balance.
Fire Runes
The enemy shoots two fireballs in the air which form two fire runes when they land. The runes do moderate flame damage over time to all targets within the red circles. Players should be prepared to move as soon as the attack casts as one rune will always be cast on top of you.