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ON-mapicon-Arcane Knot (whole).png
Arcane Knot

The Arcane Knot is a 'capture-the-flag' objective in the Lucent Citadel. It is a unique mechanic of the trial.

For more information, see the main lore article.

Recovering the Arcane KnotEdit

The Arcane Knot is located in the Catalyst Nook, the final section of Lucent Citadel. It needs to be picked up by a player and returned to the entrance of the trial, where it can safely be deposited into a device called the null arca. If they player dies, another member of the group will need to claim the Knot.

To complete the trial, players must carry the Arcane Knot from the Catalyst Nook to the start of the Faceted Gallery (entrance).

Along the path, several Crystal Shards, as seen throughout the trial, must be destroyed to allow progress through crystal barriers. These barriers blocked your group on the approach, but for the return journey it will make the path back a lot shorter.

Arcane Fracture and Temporal SplintersEdit

ON-mapicon-Arcane Knot (broken).png

A player can use the Interact Key (default bound key E) to pick up the Arcane Knot. It can be held by the player for 1 minute (45 seconds in Hard Mode) before they are forced to drop it. During this time, the knot damages the player with Temporal Splinters, a ramping-up damage dot. The knot 'explodes' when the timer expires and other players should not be caught within the large AoE blast radius (Arcane Fracture).

Once dropped, a debuff is applied to the player for 8 minutes. Any attempt to pick up a knot again with this time will result in instant death. Thus, players must take turns picking up and carrying the knot.

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Tight Grip.png Tight Grip 10 Secure the arcane knot having 6 different party members or less hold the knot while allowing no member to carry the knot twice in Veteran Lucent Citadel.
ON-icon-achievement-Interplanar Cohesion.png Interplanar Cohesion 10 Secure the arcane knot while always having at least 5 party members supporting the knot carrier at all times excluding the moment where the knot fractures in Veteran Lucent Citadel.

Arcane EncumbranceEdit

ON-mapicon-Arcane Knot (carry).png

While holding the Arcane Knot, and while other players are within the Arcane Knot dome, players have slowed movement speed depending on how many players are within the dome of the knot. The fewer the players, the slower the movement speed. It is recommended to keep up with the carrier to ensure they can move with the knot.

Each time the knot timer expires and a new carrier is required, a Crystal Atronach will spawn.
