This page contains officially released preview screenshots for Morrowind. Note that these are not cutscenes or the like, but actual screenshots. These images are not specifically in chronological order, though the ones near the top are most recent than near the bottom; make note of some of the pictures having experimental HUDS. For the latest screenshots, see the Official Morrowind Site.
3rd person view of the character walking in Ald'ruhn.
Fighting an Imperial Guard in Pelagiad.
A bridge in the West Gash as the sun sets.
The West Gash awaits.
A warhammer-wielding warrior wanders around the Bitter Coast.
Talking closely with an Imperial Guard on the outskirts of Seyda Neen.
View of Seyda Neen during a light rain shower with a Silt Strider in the distance.
1st person view of the character walking through the Bitter Coast Region with a large axe.
1st person view showing the player holding a large mace in Dralasa Nithryon's shop in the town of Balmora.
Closeup view of the first floor of the Halfway Tavern.
A nighttime scene of a stone pathway decorated by nearby fungal structures and exposed roots in the Telvanni city of Sadrith Mora.
View of Ald'ruhn from above.
3rd person view of the player standing in Balmora.
A great shot of a house in Sadrith Mora with a thin haze during the day.
A beautiful sunset at the entrance of Gnisis. Shows the wonderful graphics available to the Morrowind engine.
Another typical view in Ald'ruhn at dusk or sunrise.
Typical Redoran housing.
Imperial style tavern interior.
A dining table inside of a wood furnished home. A Redguard can be seen approaching the table.
An Argonian in the bottom of the Under-Skar.
Wireframe view of the town of Pelagiad.
An early view of Pelagiad's Fort, with an early version of the Templar armor.
An excellent view in Pelagiad while strolling down the road towards the city gate.
Early version of Pelagiad, using the old castle textures.
Apparently, the player is trespassing in someone's garden outside of Pelagiad.
A sullen guard observing the sunset (or sunrise) in Pelagiad.
Night falls on Pelagiad.
The market of Gnisis outside of the temple. Again shows the wonderful amount of character detail on NPCs.
Approaching the strider port in Gnisis with a hefty axe in hand. Silt Striders can be used to travel faster around Vvardenfell.
Image of the left side of Gnisis and well armored NPC possibly cut from the game in development.
Aerial view of the town of Gnisis. Although this is a small town, there is a great amount of detail.
Wireframe view of the town of Gnisis.
Calm waters outside of Gnisis.
An Ordinator walking around Gnisis in an early version of the Indoril armor.
Fort Darius showcases the updated fort textures, showcasing them in the early morning.
Conversing with a merchant in the market of the town of Gnisis. Shows the start of the user interface. Make note of the experimental HUD.
A market square in the city of Vivec showing the amount of character detail during early development. Make note of the experimental HUD.
A peaceful gondola ride through the canals of Vivec. Make note of the experimental HUD.
Construction SetEdit
Another great view of the TES Construction set this time editing an early Ordinator.
View of Telvanni architecture in the Construction Set.
Construction Set view of the interior of the Gnisis Temple.
Part Two of a sequence of Morrowind Construction Set screenshots placing a Velothi mural.
Arriving to Khuul by sunset.
A walk toward a Dwemer ruin.
On the farm land outside the city of Gnisis.
Visiting the Gnisis Marketplace.
Running into the Imperial settlement Pelagiad.
Battle ready, exploring the wilderness of the West Gash.
Dusk creeps over the Ashlands.
Walking through the center of Ald'ruhn.
Descending into a Daedric Ruin.
Centurion Spider walking amidst the smoke.
Facing off against Centurion Spiders to the left of Dwemer machinery.
Walking through Pelagiad wielding an axe.
Ash storms in Ald'ruhn.
A frolic through the Bitter Coast.
The sun sets on the Grazelands.
Talking to the locals in Balmora.
An ashy Daedric Ruin coated in fog.
Exploring a market in Ald'ruhn.
Entering a tavern in Pelagiad.
Daron offering his services.
Cloudy skies over Godsreach.
Goblins, a common sight in the Mournhold sewers.
Horkers on an ice-covered lake.
Raven Rock under construction.
A Nord wearing bear armor.
A Nord wearing wolf armor.
Attacking the local populace as a Werewolf.
Rieklings in an icy cave.
Fighting off a bear with an axe.
The Banquet Hall of Castle Karstaag.