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Mod:Battlespire Files

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This page lists downloadable files for Battlespire.

Filename Size Description
DAEDRIC.ZIP 43 KB Truetype Daedric alphabet font for Windows. To install, just unzip and copy the Daedric.TTF file into the WINDOWS\FONTS directory.
BATPAT15.EXE 1161 KB Latest Patch v1.5. Copy to your BATTLESPIRE directory and execute Read what this latest patch fixes - BATPAT15.TXT
BATEDIT.ZIP 76 KB Edit your attributes and skills with this easy to use editor. Simple user interface in 80x50 text mode. To use on modern computers, place all files within the zipped file into the root Battlespire directory. If you're using the GOG version of the game, make sure to copy and paste your save folders from the "cloud_saves" folder into the root Battlespire directory to edit them, and remember to paste them back into "cloud_saves" when you're done. To run the program: drag and drop BATEDIT.EXE onto DOSBox.exe, and answer the subsequent prompts. Utility made by Daveh.
SPIREDIT.ZIP 122 KB Simple and untested editor for modifying your character.
BATTLE.ZIP 30 KB Another basic editor for the game. Does not work on Windows XP.
BSPIRE-GH.ZIP 1 KB Gamehack data table for editing save games. GameHack does not run on Windows XP.
BATRAW.ZIP 93 KB Convert RAW screenshots (CTRL-P) into PCXs with this utility as well as display them to screen. Contains a simple command line program as well as an easy to use user interface program. 28.3 KB Lvl 1 Breton with max stats, spell absorption, and nearly full set of equipment.
README.TXT 15.7 KB Battlespire's README document, presented in wiki format.
PATCH.TXT 13.3 KB Battlespire's multiple PATCH documents, presented in wiki format. 2781 KB Fix for "Capture the Flag 2" multiplayer map crashing the game.
Battlespire Text 147 KB A series of text fixes addressing typos and inconsistent spellings affecting 74 dialogue and book files. Mod made by TheRockWithAMedicineCupOnHisHead. Install to base game directory, overwrite when prompted.