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Lore:Jyggalag's Realm

< Lore: Places: J
Jyggalag's realm
Type Plane
Realm Oblivion
Appears in Legends
Jyggalag and Dyus in the realm

Jyggalag's realm was the realm of Oblivion ruled over by the Daedric Prince Jyggalag. It was said to be a realm of perfect Order.[1] It later became known as the Shivering Isles, the domain of the Mad God Sheogorath.[1][2]

The realm was home to the Great Library of Jyggalag, a vast collection of knowledge on all things mortal and Daedric alike.[3] The knowledge was the result of a formulae of logical deductions that Jyggalag implemented.[3] Dyus of Mytheria served as the keeper of the Great Library, eventually having his role expanded to the chamberlain of the realm, which involved performing all the mundane tasks that came with running a realm or those that Jyggalag found distasteful. Dyus' title suggests he originated from a place called Mytheria, though due to his loss of memory, he is unsure whether Mytheria is even a real place or not.[3][4]


Jyggalag's realm expanded throughout Oblivion further with each passing era, increasing the Prince of Order's influence.[1][2] The other Daedric Princes, fearful of his power, cursed Jyggalag to live as the thing he despised most, Madness.[1][2] Just as Jyggalag himself changed, so too did his realm: it became a realm of madness, known as the Shivering Isles.[1][2]

A cycle known as the Greymarch allowed Jyggalag to reassume his true form once an era and retake his realm but at the conclusion of the Greymarch, he was always transformed back into Sheogorath.[1] This cycle was finally broken by the Hero of Kvatch at the end of the Third Era when they mantled Sheogorath and defeated Jyggalag in direct combat.[5] This freed Jyggalag to wander the voids of Oblivion again.[1][4]



  • In a forum post from 2006, Douglas Goodall briefly mentioned Jyggalag's realm while discussing Mankar Camoran's claims that Nirn was a Daedric realm. After doubting the accuracy of Mankar's beliefs, Goodall ended his discussion on that topic with the line, "Besides, everyone knows that Nirn is really Jyggalag's realm..."[UOL 1] This comment was likely made in jest, as Dyus claims to have never visited Mundus.[4]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.