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< Castles: Subjects
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A baby speaking

The following is a list of dialogue that is used radiantly by generic NPCs.


See on the related article

Theatrical storiesEdit

See on the related article


  • Goo goo ga ga<End mark>
  • Flblblbl...
  • Dada<End mark>
  • Mama<End mark>
  • Baba<End mark>

Most phrases for baby are built from presets of combinations of random <End mark> and <Syllables>, which are randomly picked from a list of possible terms. Possible variety and combinations:

  • <Syllables><Syllables><End mark>
  • <Syllables><Syllables><Syllables><End mark>
  • <Syllables><Syllables><Syllables><Syllables><Syllables><End mark>

Note that Endmarks will not be present in the conversation; this applies to both fixed and randomly generated phrases.


  • D'agon<End mark>
  • Shhh...
  • Ooh dada<End mark>
  • *sniff* Pooh-pooh!

Waiting outsideEdit

The subject will say the following phrases while waiting outside the Castle:

Trait Phrase
Any Finally here...
Bossy If not Khajiit: They'd better not make me wait long.

If Khajiit: They'd better not make <subject name> wait long.

Charming What a lovely castle!
Considerate Would it be rude to knock?
Devious Everything is going according to plan...
Emotional What... what if the door never opens?
Envious Their food smells delicious!
Haunted If not Khajiit: Surely the spirits haven't followed me this far...

If Khajiit: Surely the spirits haven't followed Khajiit this far...

Headstrong This castle was an excellent choice.
Heartless If not Khajiit: One day I'll be <King / Queen> here.

If Khajiit: One day <subject name> will be <King / Queen> here.

Jester This castle looked a lot smaller from far away!
Leader If not Khajiit: I pledge my loyalty to you, <King / Queen> <subject name>!

If Khajiit: Khajiit pledges <Pronoun> loyalty to you, <King / Queen> <subject name>!

Mighty This castle could use some more muscle.
Melodramatic This castle is quite impressive!
Sounds like they're having fun in there.
Was that booing I heard?
Pyromaniac Must remember to be careful this time.
Reckless If not Khajiit: Just point me at whatever needs to be done.

If Khajiit: Just point this one at whatever needs to be done.

(married Ruler)
Hopefully they know how to cook here.
(unmarried Ruler)
I wonder if <King / Queen> <subject name> still unwed?
Tribal Looks like a nice place to raise a family!
Volatile They had better open that door soon...


The subject will say the following phrases when they exile:

Condition Phrase
(random among)
If not Khajiit: I never liked it here anyway.

If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> never liked it here anyway.

That place smelled terrible anyway.
If not Khajiit: My prayers have been answered.

If Khajiit: <Subject name>'s prayers have been answered.

Argonian I'm going back to Black Marsh!
Orc It's a long walk to Orsinium...
Family So much for family!
(random among)
This is no way to treat your elders!
The old Ruler would never do this!
Fine! Kick an old <man / woman> out of their home!
Calamity Blight One less mouth to feed, is that it?
Magic Curse Happy to leave this accursed castle!
Pestilence If not Khajiit: *cough* Fine! I'll find a better castle! *ACHOO*

If Khajiit: *cough* Fine! Khajiit will find a better castle! *ACHOO*

Trait Haunted If not Khajiit: My ghost never liked <King / Queen> <Subject name> anyway.

If Khajiit: <Subject name>'s ghost never liked <King / Queen> <Subject name> anyway.

(random among)
If not Khajiit: I might be a clown, but this castle is the real joke!

If Khajiit: <Subject name> might be a clown, but this castle is the real joke!

If not Khajiit: I'll find a castle that appreciates my humor.

If Khajiit: <Subject name> will find a castle that appreciates their humor.

Must have told one "arrow in the knee" joke too many...
Melodramatic This is just like the story of Lady Thronebane, exiled to the island of Cespar in the Second Era!
Pestilence If not Khajiit: You're lucky I didn't start more fires!

If Khajiit: You're lucky <Subject name> didn't start more fires!

Sophisticated If not Khajiit: I'm going to the Imperial City where they respect people like me!

If Khajiit: <Subject name> is going to the Imperial City where they respect people like <him / her>!

Special SubjectsEdit