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1500 questions
21 answers
How can I chop onions without crying?
Onions are an excellent addition to many dishes, but cutting them can be frustrating when they make you "cry" all the time.
Does anyone know any tips or tricks to help minimise the tears when chopping onions?

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7 answers
Translating cooking terms between US / UK / AU / CA / NZ
This post is an attempt to keep track of the terms that differ between dialects of English or exist in some dialects but not others: British (UK) / Australian (AU) / Canadian (CA) / American (US) / New Zealand (NZ), etc.
Please note that Canada may…

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11 answers
Why add salt to the water when cooking pasta?
What is the effect of adding salt to the water when cooking pasta?

- 2,391
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7 answers
Why would boiling milk in an electric kettle break the kettle?
Or: is it safe for the electric kettle's integrity and overall functionality to be used to boil non-water liquids such as milk?
*note: I know milk may burn onto the element and be difficult to clean out after, or it may foam up and out of the spout…

- 1,903
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- 10
2 answers
What is this colored fiber in my chicken?
I smoked a whole chicken. When I cut into the breast I found this:
What is it and is my chicken ruined?

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7 answers
Is it possible to cook a whole fish in a dishwasher?
I heard that there is a way to cook a whole fish in a dishwasher - any techniques, tips??

- 7,566
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7 answers
How can I tell the difference between a rabbit and a cat?
I received a shipment of prefabricated skinned rabbit last week and the shipment seemed unusual. Rabbits have a very close resemblance to cats once their “hair” and skin have been removed. Is there a telltale sign that I’m working with Bugs Bunny,…

- 1,885
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26 answers
How do you properly cook a steak?
I love steaks so much, that I would like to get a green card and live in the States just to enjoy good steaks whenever I want.
When I try to cook a steak at home (I live in Italy), it always turns out burned outside and almost totally raw inside.…

- 4,603
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13 answers
Why use milk in scrambled eggs?
I've seen many recipes for scrambled eggs with and without milk / cream / half and half
So what does the milk do? The only difference I can see is color - without the milk the eggs are a brighter yellow.
What am I missing?

Christian Payne
- 1,625
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- 12
12 answers
Is it safe to leave butter at room temperature?
Is it safe to leave butter at room temperature? If so, for how long is it safe to keep it out?

Chas. Owens
- 1,393
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- 11
14 answers
Do you heat the pan first, then add oil? Or put the oil in and heat up with the pan?
As the title says...
I personally heat up the pan first, then put the oil in and after it's heated up add the ingredients. I go with the line of reasoning that doing it this way gives the oil less time to burn, thinking that if you do it the other…

Ward - Trying Codidact
- 5,047
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- 46
6 answers
Why did my banana catch fire in the microwave?
Wow, that sounds like a silly question, but really! My wife froze bananas in the freezer with the peel still on. You can't peel them frozen. I put it in the microwave for one minute at 50% power. After 30 seconds the thin end of the peel (where a…

- 19,029
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10 answers
Is it safe to eat potatoes that have sprouted?
I'm talking about potatoes that have gone somewhat soft and put out shoots about 10cm long.
Other online discussions suggest it's reasonably safe and the majority of us have been peeling and eating soft sprouty spuds for years. Is this correct?

Tea Drinker
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- 58
21 answers
How do you peel garlic easily?
How should I approach peeling a clove of garlic to get the skin off most quickly? Is it different if I'm doing a bulb whole?

Sam Holder
- 11,290
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- 114
13 answers
What knives are "required" for a serious home kitchen?
I consider myself a serious home cook. What knives are essential?

Nathan Koop
- 1,435
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- 19