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1500 questions
7 answers

Is there an offline command-line dictionary?

Is there any command line offline dictionary? I know that there are some like StarDict and Artha but how about one in the command line? Also, I tried dict but it is an online dictionary.
  • 1,101
14 answers

How to get coloured terminal over ssh?

When I connect over ssh to remote hosts everything is just a single font/color. I would like to have colours like I do locally e.g. green for executable and blue for symlinks etc. And such that when I run $ git diff on the ssh host it shows me diff…
  • 9,857
12 answers

How do I install the Cisco Anyconnect VPN client?

I installed Cisco AnyConnect for Ubuntu(64) 12.04, but it failed. It can be installed on Ubuntu 10.10(64). The error log Installing Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client ... Extracting installation files to /tmp/vpn.teuSIr/vpninst096243274.tgz... Unarchiving…
  • 1,071
4 answers

What are the pros and cons of having a separate home partition?

This is not a question about how to create a home partition, just as a caveat. :) What are the pros and cons to having a separate home partition? How do I know if having one is right for me? Will it increase or decrease speed of file retrieval? Are…
Ryan McClure
  • 6,021
7 answers

How to insert an emoji into a text in Ubuntu 18.04 and later?

What are the possibilities to insert, choose and use an emoji in Ubuntu 18.04 and later?
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9 answers

How to change default user in WSL Ubuntu bash on Windows 10

I installed the WSL Bash on Windows 10 and set my user to e.g. 'abc' but now I want to change it to something else. How can I change the user name of the user I'm logged in as? When I open bash it automatically logs me in with my current user.
  • 1,069
8 answers

"Create new document" - right-click option missing in Ubuntu GNOME

I would like to to have a "create new document" option in the right-click menu. Currently it looks like this : I am using Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS with GNOME 3.20.
Severus Tux
  • 9,866
3 answers

"Failure to download extra data files" with ttf-mscorefonts-installer on Ubuntu 16.04

I have been receiving notifications about "failure to download extra data files" from update notifier. It asked me to download fonts in request from the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package. However, whenever I click on the "run this action now", a…
Xiaodong Qi
  • 2,562
7 answers

'xclip' vs. 'xsel'

There are two command-line tools (in two different packages) to access the X clipboard: xclip xsel I would love to know the difference between those two and hear a recommendation which one to use in which cases.
Byte Commander
  • 107,489
12 answers

How to convert a m4a sound file to mp3?

I tried to convert an .m4a file to an .mp3 file using ffmpeg with the following command: $ ffmpeg -i music.m4a music.mp3 Unfortunately, I got a zero byte-sized file returned as output. The output of the command is as follows: FFmpeg version…
The Student
  • 11,926
16 answers

"Welcome to emergency mode!" Think it is a fsck problem

My computer booted to a black screen with this error message. Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in,type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ^D to try again to boot into default…
Kim André
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7 answers

How do I quickly encrypt a file with AES?

I want to encrypt a file using AES-256. How can I do that quickly and easily, and how can I - or someone else -decrypt it again?
2 answers

How to `touch` files recursively?

I need to change the timestamp of about 5000 files. Typing touch file1.txt, touch file2.txt will take me forever. Is there a way to do something in the lines of touch -R *?
2 answers

How to install libpng and zlib

I'm completely new to Ubuntu. I got installed it because my school uses a lot of Linux type stuff in my school's Computer Science program so I figured I would use Ubuntu on my own machine and just do my code from there instead of the computer labs.…
  • 1,601
4 answers

Error message 'source: not found' when running a script

I am creating a little automated setup script that will modify /etc/profile and $HOME/.profile if some paths are not exported. Then, I'd like to reload these automatically. I have read that source does this, so I fired up my terminal and…
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