From the USB/IP site:
- USB/IP Project aims to develop a general USB device sharing system over IP network. To share USB devices between computers with their full functionality, USB/IP encapsulates "USB I/O messages" into TCP/IP payloads and transmits them between computers.
Server setup
The server should have the physical USB device connected to it, and the usbip_host
USB/IP kernel module loaded. Then start and enable the USB/IP systemd service usbipd.service
. The daemon will accept connections on TCP port 3240.
List the connected devices:
$ usbip list -l
Bind the required device. For example, to share the device having busid 1-1.5:
$ usbip bind -b 1-1.5
To unbind the device:
$ usbip unbind -b 1-1.5
After binding, the device can be accessed from the client.
Binding with systemd service
In order to make binding persistent following systemd template unit file can be used:
[Unit] Description=USB-IP Binding on bus id %I usbipd.service Requires=usbipd.service #DefaultInstance=1-1.5 [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/usbip bind -b %i RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStop=/usr/bin/usbip unbind -b %i Restart=on-failure [Install]
So, e.g., to share the device having busid 1-1, one should start/enable usbip-bind@1-1.service
Client setup
Make sure the vhci-hcd
kernel module is loaded.
Then list devices available on the server:
$ usbip list -r server_IP_address
Attach the required device. For example, to attach the device having busid 1-1.5:
$ usbip attach -r server_IP_address -b 1-1.5
--tcp-port port
.Disconnecting devices
A device can be disconnected only after detaching it on the client.
List attached devices:
$ usbip port
Detach the device:
$ usbip detach -p port_number
Unbind the device on the server:
$ usbip unbind -b busid
Tips and tricks
Binding by vendor/device ID
If bus ids are inconsistent and dynamically assigned at each system boot, binding by vendor/device ID can be used alternatively:
[Unit] Description=USB-IP Binding device id %I usbipd.service Requires=usbipd.service [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "/usr/sbin/usbip bind --$(/usr/sbin/usbip list -p -l | grep '#usbid=%i#' | cut '-d#' -f1)" RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStop=/bin/sh -c "/usr/sbin/usbip unbind --$(/usr/sbin/usbip list -p -l | grep '#usbid=%i#' | cut '-d#' -f1)" Restart=on-failure [Install]
So, e.g., to share the device having vendor/device ID 0924:3d68, one should start/enable .
Then client setup will be like this:
- Linux clients
$ usbip attach -r server_IP_address --$(/usr/sbin/usbip list -p -r server_IP_address | grep '#usbid=0924:3d68#' | cut '-d#' -f1)
- Windows clients
c:\> for /f "tokens=1 delims=:, " %a in ('usbip list -r server_IP_address ^| findstr /r /c:"0924:3d68"') do start usbip attach -r server_IP_address -b %a
Sharing devices configured with files in /etc/..
provides systemd service files for binding by vendor/device id and for connecting by hostname and vendor/device id.
Server setup
For each device create a device.conf in with USBIP_DEVICE set to the vendor/product id, e.g.:
To bind a cofigured device start/enable the service usbip-bind@example-device.service