
The Ethereum Project provides an open-source, distributed, blockchain-based platform for so-called smart contracts.


Go Ethereum

Go Ethereum, the official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol, is available as the go-ethereum package.

Create an account with geth account new.

The client can be started with geth, and it will proceed to download several gigabytes of blockchain data. This will take a very long time. This time can be shortened with

$ geth --syncmode full --cache=1024

Higher cache values appear to speed up the process more.

Optionally, start the client with geth console to get a JavaScript console for more meaningful interaction. This console can then be attached-to from another terminal or remotely with geth attach [hostname:port defaults to localhost].

To check balances in the console or attach modes, use web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase), "ether").

To start CPU mining, use geth --mine. This is far less efficient than GPU mining, and does not recommend it.

GPU Mining with geth

GPU mining with geth has been discontinued.

Ethereum Wallet

You can install the Ethereum Wallet via the mycrypto-binAUR package. The old mistAUR wallet is deprecated. See the announcement and view the migration guide.

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